Lonely Oak Chapter 9
Lyza asked, "i know it's not new year's yet but you think they'll have some?" new year's was only two days away. it had been kval's idea to go to the fair, which had been open since the day after christmas.
Aurora Borealis
Two young entrepreneurs herald the new year in new york with a show illuminating the skies.
Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - A Frog's New Year's Resolution (Saria Pt. 5)
Poképhilia story love has no bounds a frog's new year's resolution new year's special 2022 by j.c.
The Human Species Ch. 39 - Epilogue of Year 10
 "... And then, I spun around and kicked the lizard RIGHT in the head! Or at least where I assumed his head to be, kind of hard to...
My Life in a Tail-Hole (About me)
But enough about me, a new year's party is starting up downstairs and i tip my black 'happy new years' hat to all of you trooper readers that made it through this.
Lonely Oak Chapter 10
The petting zoo smelled unappealing, but if you could get past that it was sort of fun. There were mostly goats, walking around with little bells tied to their necks. Once in a while they would shake their heads and make the...
Banging in the New Year
"because after i wish a few others a happy new year i will be coming back for them."
The New Year
"i think we should usher in the new year properly, maybe even check a resolution or two off the list early?"
Happy New Years!
"happy new year's! welcome to 2013!"
Happy new year
**happy new year** nala, zira nuka sarabi and simba are own by disney stuart and shingi , angel, diamond are own by me raam is own by friend of mine **happy new year** **pride rock** it was 1 hr to, midnight on new year eve.
New Year Baby
"you get to be baby new year!" rebecca said. before he could protest, she scooped up the little raptor.
New Year's Day
"you know, natch, a new year's kiss usually comes on the stroke of midnight."