Forever and ever

Disclaimer:if gay furry sex,rain,thoughts of suicide,and other stuff isn't your cup of tea,then don't drink this one..... enjoy...

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True Story

thoughts of suicide, depression, not even going to classes, he didn't know what to do. he hated himself for it but he swallowed his pride and did the thing he hated the most, called for help.


Phoenix - Chapter 2 - The Morning After

I hid from them instead, and finally when i was near the point of thoughts of suicide, you walked into the lobby. i thought you were just a regular average kid lost in the slums of new olive who could do nothing to help, but i was way wrong.

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Chapter Thirteen

That was when the thought of suicide entered my mind. i would rather die than live with them. when everyone was gone, that was when i was going to do it. when you came and got me new years' eve, i was planning to do it.

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A Fine Line Between Love and Friendship

Damaging his vocal chords didn't matter anymore, with the thoughts of suicide present in his head. "maybe it's wikstrom's fault, i should have ignored him!" "latias, i'm coming for you!" flashback -- 7 days ago, somewhere in alto mare.

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Ryan Cunning

He had always thought of suicide as being something only crazy people did, but now it seemed like an escape from a worse death. he raised up the blade to his wrists and slowly began to cut. it stung and he stopped, nearly dropping the razor.

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Day 3

The nice girl on the phone had given me a measure of self worth back, thoughts of suicide were pushed a little further back.

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An Eternal Rose:pt.2:The Blood Runs for You

He had often thought of suicide before, but he never could bring himself to do it, or he changed his mind. this time was no different; he changed his mind just as he had done many times before.


Beefy's Story: Part 2

Slowly the thought of suicide became more appealing. anything to not feel like this. i was stuck, i had no money, no resources, i was physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted. what the hell was the point of this existence? why go on?

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New Genesis Chapter 1: The Man and His Dog

The doctor shuttered at the cold and the daunting thoughts of suicide that seized him. he broke himself from the ledge when he took a gander at the drop.

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As Days Go By

It's hard for me to even stay positive and remember that things will get better, but it's not that easy, trying to keep all the negative feelings and thoughts of suicide out of my head". i said with a saddened tone.

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The Guardians Shadow Pt2

A little while passed and the thoughts of suicide kept passing through my head, but when a rogue digimon had attacked a young girl that was running for her life, my whole perspective on life changed in that instant.

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