Interview with a Goat Grrl, Part One

//LINK ESTABLISHED TO WEAVE NODE #3332// //CONNECTING// //LIVE BROADCAST OF INTERVIEW GG-01 // //TRANSMISSION BEGINS// ... **Streetbeat:** What's up, weavesurfers! Oh, yeah, and those fancypants watchin' or listening via so-called _smart_HDKV's. I...

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One Thousand & One Dreams

"Behold! Sarishara--City of One Thousand & One Dreams!" The assembled crowd let out a gasp of wondrous astonishment as the plump calico that they had all gathered to bear witness to swept a handpaw in the air above him. A cloud of glittering...

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To Catch a Fox

"Ay! Who's up there! Git down!" Recovering from the stumble that had left him slipping down the side of the orange-tiled roof up which he had been scrambling, Avran winced as a sharp pebble struck him on the rump. Looking back down over his shoulder,...

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Electric Majestic

"_Woo-ee!_ Stomp those hooves, girl!" Hooting and cheering, enthusiastically--or drunkenly--tossing _zenni_ cred-coins onto the bar, the boisterous crowd at Siana's Bar were expressive about showing their appreciation for their host's performance....

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My Monster

I...I can't help it. Can't help but look at the blood on my hands, staining my nails with blood-shed gore. For a moment it frightens me again, but then I realise, it's all so...pretty...just like _her_. No...No! Who said that? I don't _want_ help!...

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The Milk of Bovine Kindness

"W-Wha? How did..._who_...?" Jahonna gaped at his _very_unexpected guest. Tired, stressed, and heartily glad to be home, the blue and white-furred, long-eared cabbit had expected to return home to nothing more than a quick meal, and then kick off his...

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The Proper Worship

In the time she had been mated to her love, Shao's preferences had certainly changed. The posters on her walls certainly reflected her new appreciation for well-toned, and quite often _tanned_ female physiques. As did how much attention she was giving...

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Mare Dominatus

[This is a continuation of 'Ram Drive'. Click here to read the first installment if you haven't already done so!]( * * * Money talks, Morality walks, and memory is short. Goat Grrl Alpha smiled to herself as she...

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Wyvern's Wishes

"Y-You're hurting me!" She was learning that to stubbornly complain was _pointless_. The grimacing snow leopard had done so a number of times since her enslavement had begun, all falling on purposefully deaf ears. Instead, and wishing to regain some...

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Draco Defanatus

There was no escape. Izyth struggled mightily at the chains that lashed and bound her to the wall. It was a futile effort. No matter how much she stained against the hell-forged links, they would not break. Exhausted, the midnight blue dragon-morph,...

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Coiled Body, Ensnared Soul

"_Somanalus...Medica...Soma..._" Avran Adrial closed his eyes to better focus the flow of warmth. It swelled in his chest down through his arm to the tips of his fingers. It was always said that power of healing came from the heart and those that...

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