My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic: Friends Beyond Magic

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Friends beyond Magic This chapter will not have Pinkie Pie breaking the fourth wall. What?! Aww come on Dracie! NO! In addition, please do not call me that! Anyways, this one is just meant to be a regular...

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My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic. Not an offical chapter

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Not an official chapter Not much to say except trying to improve character quality. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Not an offical chapter Fluttershy moaned loudly, which really wasn't that...

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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. A regualr Day.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic A regular day New weird shit I'm doing here and its only because I fell in love with My little pony the first five episodes and now I'm finally caught up to current. I immediately wanted to right a fanfic,...

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The Need of a Mate 4

The Need of A Mate 4 (All Characters belong to Heartless Dragon. I am doing the stories for him with his permission.) Glad people here still like this story series. Now as for Assassin's family, I hope that others will grow into it...

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A Life Anew

A Life Anew This was something that has been on my mind for awhile and I want to get it out of my head. The first part of this story is for real and it is amazing that it can happen to many babies. To not cry when you are born. A Life Anew There...

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A Daughter's Life

A daughter's life. Long time reader, short time writer. I'm new and I want to try this out. So give me time with all the mistakes. The morning sun came and the shinning rays came through heavily within the cave. The sparkling rays bounced off some of...

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An Assassin's family: The Gem and the Journey Home

**An Assassin's family: The gem and The journey Home** **Again give it time before you understand this story. Its story with plot only but a little sexual in some. Nothing big yet.** **Warning, contains Semi-incest, gore, Violence and some very...

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