Ars Technica Digimonae 10: Politics

Not very many things made by the human hand could harm Digimon in the Real World, for obvious reasons. When they were in the Digital World, a programmer could write programs that could potentially destroy them, but once they bioemerged, they were all...

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For Love of Love 18: The Journey Begins, Part 2

"Are all human cities like this?" Jean leaned on Jamie. She liked where they were now, but the flashing lights and everything were starting to get on her nerves. The place that Jamie described sounded very nice and beautiful, with flowers and...

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For Love of Love 28: Coming Danger

The Comndramon looked around its new surroundings. Having just woken up on the outside of a big city, it didn't anything about itself; it didn't know how long it had lived, it didn't know any of the things it had did, it didn't know if it had ever...

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For Love of Love 29: A Fight to Remember

"FUCK YOU!" Jes' foot swung around and met his chest violently, forcing all the air out of his chest in one loud cough, followed by sharp pain radiating from his chest. "I'm tired of your perfect little outlook on life, you high little shit!" she...

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For Love of Love 26: I heard some things...

_Author's Note: Yes, this is chapter 26. As in, before 27. You people need to point these things out when I screw up like this.:P_ Lex's creator wasn't particularly amused by what his creation had done. The thought of him actually having sex,...

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For Love of Love 27: A Clerimon's Heat

Tom didn't know why that Digimon was here and bothering him, but the fact that it was at least willing to talk to him despite knowing about the things that he did and his fetishes meant that it didn't mind him that much. Besides, it sounded female. ...

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For Love of Love 17: The Journey Begins

Jes groaned sleepily and opened a single eye. Good. She was the first one awake; that was how she liked it. No one could surprise you if you were up before they were. On the other hand, it was a great thing to be able to surprise other people...she...

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For Love of Love 16: A Turn For The Worse, Part 3

"I'd like to stay and chat, really I would...but we've got a flight home that we have to get back to the Real World for." Jamie turned around and started to leave; he could feel Jean's hand gripping his own tightly; she was obviously very afraid. "I'm...

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For Love of Love 9: A New Begenning

_Love seeketh not itself to please, Nor for itself hath any care, But for another gives its ease And builds a heaven in Hell's despair._ **William Blake** ...

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For Love of Love 15: A Turn For The Worse, Part 2

"Jamie, what are you doing?" Oliver asked, looking over his shoulder. "Can you see where Jean is on that?" "What's he doing?" he heard Oliver ask Jes behind him. He started opening his mouth to answer, but then checked himself. He...

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For Love of Love 14: A Turn For The Worse, Part 1

At the moment, the only problem was the guidance system of that machine of destruction. Rather than being the directed force of death that he should have been, he was cuddling with a female Digimon of opposite polarity, wearing an extremely large smile...

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For Love of Love 13: Surprises

For one thing, Lex was only interesting as a subject in a waking state, which he definitely wasn't at the moment. Rather than being awake, which was a perfectly reasonable expectation for anyone at twelve in the morning, he was instead asleep,...

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