Well, I am back to writing once more. I have been in school for about 2 weeks and I am already piled high in homework. It kinda sucks, but at least I get to see my friends again! I finally got down to typing on the computer and made another story. I...
I AM BACK! WOOT! I finally got enough time apart from school and homework (unfortunately I went back last Thursday) to do this! I don't know how I feel about this because I like some parts of it and some parts I need work on it. If you guys can comment...
This is a new thing I worked on. It took several visits to my ipod to find inspiration for this story. I hope you enjoy it as always! Song I listened too: Paradise Lost by Hollywood Undead ...
Star Fox Lost Adventures: Tinted
This took while. It may be shorter then the rest but I really enjoyed writing this. :D Insparation: []( Star Fox charecters do not...
Star Fox Lost Chapers: Crimson Skies
Crimson belongs to me, Star Fox series belongs to Nintendo. Star Fox The Lost Chapters Crimson Skies God, being a bounty hunter is rough. Not only that but sometimes you're Arwing wing might get shot down by a damn wolf. The wolf sighed putting my...
The Assassin
The Assassin Beaming over the landscape, a bright moon shines its melancholy rays over two guards who walked silently by one another. Looking up towards the stars, one guard smiled which caught the attention of the other. The guard that smiled was...
Aeria The headlights of my blue RX-8 reflected off the road, illuminating the pavement to allow myself to see forward. The yellow lines of the road reflected back at me like beacons. A car with beaming headlights came passing by. With a soft whoosh of...
The Gate (Outbreak part 2)
Outbreak part 2: Mutiny It has been one month since I ended up in the Southern Grid. Nothing much has changed. The people come when they please. They also go when they please. Some furs fight back the shuffling infected that plague the once...
A Turning Point (Pacifism part 3)
Pacifism Part 3: A Turning Point A lion, fairly tall in diameter with slick fur, and a fierce look about him sat on a chair inside a small room with a large table. The table was brown, the same color as the doberman's fur that sat next to him who was...
New Beginning
Yes this is Storm part 3 if you are wondering :3. I came back home from vacation to find my internet down and had to wait another week to get that repaired. The good news is now that my internet is repaired and speedy fast :D. Well that is about it,...
Forest's Branches (Forest Stroll part 2)
This was a request filed by KateTheMarten on sofurry. It was very fun to make and I hope you enjoy it! Sorry about not posting this sooner, I have been having trouble with my internet and now am forced to use a very very VERY old laptop. I am also...
With Every Black Cloud....(Storm part 2)
I really enjoyed making another part to Storm. I had to tie in alot of information and this story is bigger then most of mine I write. I hope you enjoy it! Vote and comment so I know what I did wrong please :3. Song I listened to get in the mood:...