Galactic Ranger CYOA Part Three

The facility provided advanced care for chronic conditions, rejuvenation treatments, genetic therapy, cognitive medicine for a variety of those that needed it such as long term patients, sensitive political subjects, those with cognitive issues and

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Andromeda Rises Ch. 4

What you experienced is your first cognition dream," matthew said, looking disappointed himself. he felt deflated and depressed all over again, much like he felt the day they picked elizabeth up. "what's a cognition dream?"

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Tale of the Reader Pt. 2

As i was gaping at the sight, my pre-cognition warned me of something else; something i knew i could not avoid. i had just enough time to say, "ah, sh--" before a rain of what was once reaver poured on me.

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I Do Me

That's the most simplified shorthand) in actuality there's so much happening behind my scene that you'd never be able to see i do not merely write i create, through feels intense thought transcribes into emotion that shoots from the cognition

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ZEP Game Stats

Character sheets: judy hopps: base ruleset: character packages: re-instantiated military casualty 5, hypercorp 1, investigator 3, async adept aptitudes: cognition 15, coordination 15(20 morph), intuition 25, reflexes 20, savvy 10, somatics 10,

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Lab Drone Placement (1/3)

It would slip over his cognition like a blanket, being ever present but not noticed as the lion's body began to twitch.

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030 - Prime pt.13

It took everyone half a second for their cognitive understanding of this scene (the sober car is driving herself) from the visual one (this drunken woman will kill us all). -is everyone's ready?

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Comfort in Sins Chapter 1

Many of these demon artifacts are cognitive hazards. the protection runes are to ensure your mental safety. however, taking pictures will replicate the effect. you can put others in danger if the pictures of these artifacts are made public."

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Catching the Pokevirus

This was far too much for the boy's psyche to handle, and his rapidly failing cognitive processes immediately dug deep into his primal side, struggling to keep up with his suddenly changing body.

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Inside the Chinese Room

Score -10 to response "whatever you think is best." to input "maybe i should tone down her cognitive empathy." speech recognized: user #0001: "i wasn't talking to you."


A Lesson In Devolution (clean)

Once those words hit their ears, they would then vanish from cognition and the person would be like they never heard it except... those words would burrow into their minds.

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Memories of an Unnatural Dream

A flicker of a dream reminded me that i--in the cognitive halls of la-la land--was kissing someone. something, in fact. i squinted, as if that would somehow make the dream clearer.

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