Chloe's Downward Spiral
They gave me the prompt of chloe from life is strange becoming a hairy, gross fatass; and given their preference for ftm, that's what i rolled with! it's a pretty quick story, and it's not my usual kind of tf, but i hope you enjoy it.
(C) Stay Down!
Unfortunately, the ftm goat finds a long blade suddenly sticking out of their chest. a wolf with a split personality, alex/xander, ambushed them on contract from a rich patron.
The Red Ones
While going the other way is theoretically possible for ftm transsexuals, the government tends to frown on it - due to the demographic imbalance, and the fact that resilient vaginal tissue can shrug off without injury the penile barbs that can cause
Objectified - A Collection of Changes
* * * fursona for your phone [phone background, vibration, human\>wolf, ftm] wyla idly clicked on the little program, hoping it was something good. then she saw the sliders, the little cute graphics, and she knew it was good.
TF Remote
(contains: ftm transformation, weight gain, body change, mind alteration, mom and son to boyfriends by mind alteration, feeding, gas) john was bored. being home there was nothing to do. being out of work, his days went by slowly.
Change of Mood - FtM Chocobo TF
"OK, remind me just WHY you decided to bring me here again, Hadou?" L'luna asked, looking over at the tall, black-furred Hrothgar. "Cause I feel like I'm wasting my time just sitting here!" "I brought you here because I thought you could do with a...
Racing Stripes
(F TF M Zorse) The weekend had been a beautiful blur of strange new pleasures and magics for Ginger. She went to a school that also taught magic, and most were encouraged to practice.. but generally using transformative spells were against the...
Patreon Reward: Sitharoo
**June Patreon Reward: Sitharoo** **By Seraph LeSabre** Nobody in class was saying anything, but Sith felt like everyone was acutely aware of her situation. While her school uniform's skirt came down to her mid-thighs while she was standing, she...
Furthe'More 2014: They like me! They really like me!
Yes, if your ideal con is getting sozzled and trashing a hotel room with insane late night parties, ftm is the wrong place for you.
Where Am I? -Part 2
Aaron swallowed back his panic and forced himself to smile at the skunk. Feeling very awkward about the whole situation he quickly asked, "Is there something more I can get for you?" The skunk smirked at him and Arron wished that he could get lost...
Birthing Dragons: Odus: Part 4
Part four: Birth of Cub Two The little one, who I had decided to name Flower, fell asleep once her belly was full and Odus took her deeper inside of the den to rest her in the nest we'd prepared for me once I had birthed all six cubs. I almost didn't...
Post-Work Release - Soratos Herm Wolf TF
Took a bit of revising because initially i read this as a ftm tf, so i then had to go back afterwards to remove some parts of the tf and change all the later pronouns to herm ones manually because of it x'd posted using postybirb "typical winter weather.