Stacy: The New Dog on the Block ch. 4

Ch. 4 Change of Plans Stacy stirred slowly before opening her eyes. At first she was surprised to find herself wrapped in a warm blanket and lying on a comfortable bed instead trying to keep herself warm in a cardboard box or (as the stereotypical...

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Jason & the Unicorn Ch. 3 (Commission from Tinaski)

Chapter three: Taking her Reigns Alyssa was afraid. Not just afraid, terrified. She had somehow managed to get permission from the elders of her herd to use a transformation spell upon herself, as she would still be completely invisible to humans...

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Biker Pressure (Commission from Iscin)

# Renstacks The bar is at the centre of a remote town; the town itself surrounded by a dusty orange desert that goes on for miles in all directions. Despite its isolated nature the town, called Renstacks by its founders, and its people are not the...

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Summer Heat

The wind tore through the trees below me as I stood atop the cliff proudly surveying the wilderness. As of sunrise I was an adult and the forest was my domain as much as it was my father's. The day's breeze carried with it an interesting scent, one...

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Jason & the Unicorn Ch. 2 (Commission from Tinaski)

Chapter two: Treading Water on Dry Land Without Alyssa around, Jason was a man without a cause, simply wandering to and fro, seeing to various tasks that needed doing around his house and at work just to keep himself busy. Thinking that this was...

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Jason & the Unicorn Ch. 1 (Commission from Tinaski)

Chapter one: The Beginning of Something Right. Crouched down low in a veritable sea of dark green bushes, she wasn't quite sure of why she was hiding, as it was already impossible for anyone but him to see her. It was thanks to a charm that she had...

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The Wild of the West (Commission from Primus Leonides)

Ian yawned as he awoke, the sun not quite having broken the horizon in the sky. The human stretched as quietly as he could, trying not to wake up everyone else in the house. He dressed quietly, pulling on a rugged pair of jeans and a tight shirt. He...

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In The Master's Stables (Commission from Draconicon)

In the great bazaar surrounding the oasis of An-Suur, many things could be bought. Things that were banned from the markets of the world were laid out for those that could dare to traverse the desert, and the laws of the world could not touch the...

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Jason & The Unicorn Chapter 5

Jason stared down at his lustrous unicorn mate with his mouth slowly opening and closing soundlessly in a manner not dissimilar to a fish after hearing those words, contemplating whether or not what she had just said was true, or a joke, or a joke...

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The Chronicles of Unalight: The Journey

You won't believe me when I tell you: chapter 1 "Where am I?" These croaking, tired words were the first to escape my mouth shortly after I opened my eyes. As if my body was rebelling against being woken so abruptly, my eyes stung harshly as a...

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Time's Crucible Part Two

Time's crucible time's crucible by iscin this is a work of fan-fiction commissioned by lonewolf669. gargoyles, the character of brooklyn and setting belong to disney inc.

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The Wild of the West - Chapter 2 - Commission for LoneWolf669

The wild of the west - chapter 2 commission for lonewolf669 ian's eyes slowly fluttered open as light filtered into the room and onto his face. a wry smile cracked his dry lips at the remembered dream that filtered through his foggy mind.

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