Play and Ownership Chapter Six
#6 of play and ownership play and ownership chapter six a good plan and a new member raith sat naked in her chair kitu and kais on her right side at her feet and dax sitting on her left looking miserable and shackled.
Play and Ownership Chapter Five
#5 of play and ownership play and ownership chapter five new revenge, old love it had been several days since the intrusion and still quite a few more to go till he next full moon, and the next temptation meeting.
Play and Ownership Chapter Four
#4 of play and ownership play and ownership chapter four surprises and trouble raith slept peacefully for some time, till something slowly tugged her from her sleep.
Play and Ownership Chapter Three
#3 of play and ownership chapter three surprise and kindled flames it had been a week since kais, kitu and raith had gone shopping and everything was wonderful. kais loved the playful fox and loving wolf.
Play and Ownership Chapter two
#2 of play and ownership chapter two homeward bound raih slid the key into the lock and then after the click opened the door quickly stepping inside and disarming the alarm system.
The End Of A Mission, The Beginning Of An Ownership
_Before you read this story, read the tags. Look up any of them you don't understand. This is filthy, and I wrote it to vent. If you're not of legal age, don't read this. If you are of legal age... you probably don't want to read this either. You have...
Conceiving Kiera
Conceiving kiara i do not own or take ownership of any of the characters or scenes depicted in this erotic story. i do not own or take ownership of anything that could induce anything bad that might occur if someone thinks i do.
Chapter 18
Embrace the now, own the moment, take ownership of the situation. sage words of advice, sure. but easier said, than done. i drifted off... "ownership timeout reached.
Of the Collective, Chapter 3
"on my old homeworld, ownership of arable land was concentrated in the hands of a small number of hereditary landlords.
Furtasia: The Canari
In reality, the canari are an insular, but gentle people, with different concepts of ownership than most peoples, due to their nomadic lifestyle.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #1 - Meeting in Massachusetts
With all the changes that rocket city's fba franchise have undergone since their championship run in 2009, it was little shock that the team came under new ownership over the off-season.
A Renegade Reborn - 10 - This Town's Not Big Enough
You haven't taken ownership, which is a problem, because none of this process automatically notifies the current owner. until someone takes ownership.