After the “dead list” – I’m a deer

_After the "Dead list" - I'm a Deer_ By Mike Rozak and some CalTech Deer and Rodents Copyleft 2010 # Chronic fatigue My alarm clock displayed 10:06, in the morning. Crap. I felt like crap. I rolled over onto my back and stared at my...

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OK! This a gay furry yiffy story, so if your not 18 don't read it, even if I know that if you're here that's what you want to do. Plus there is no one to stop you so who would really give a shit about such a stupidity. Have fun! DAY DREAM The...

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Two Worlds: One Last Breath (14)

Alright So i said Two Worlds is ending here, but I'll admit that I was wrong. There is still a few more chapters. So enjoy! \<3...

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Two Worlds: The Last Resort (11)

The hallway was filled with anitigue's from other countries his parents had visited, a twin bladed sword hung parallel at a horizontal direction along the mango colored wall, a blood red rug with a frame of black tendrils snaking their way down the length

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Two Worlds: Ammunition (10)

Demetrius was in shock for the most part. Not only has it been the first kiss he's shared with Kevin but it was the first time he'd let his guard down to let this happen. What was he supposed to do, punch Kevin out and walk away from this as if it...

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Two Worlds: Burn like a Phoenix (8)

Two things Kevin knew for sure was that being in a situation where two exes are in the same room and one of them is standing too close to someone else, statistics show that the other isn't going to be the happy camper, especially when Kevin happened to...

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Two Worlds:: Jealousy's a Bitch (7)

"Stop asking!" Demetrius growled and almost threw laundry at Kevin as he changed inside his closet, switching his baggy clothes into knight's armour. His shift was starting soon so he had to be ready for, yet, another eight hour shift. He poked his...

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Until Heaven Stops The Rain Chapter 2.A Realitie's Hard Reset

Chapter 2.A- Reality's Hard Reset- It had been almost three weeks of daily poking and prodding. The soreness in Keece's throat had finally subsided as his eye sight slowly continued to get better. For that period of time he had been in and out of...

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Parallel Identity: Manual

Dubbing this phenomenon: the parallel synchronization.

Parallel Universe: Ch7

#7 of parallel universe **past** note: this chapter will be retold in a 3rd person view. marsha sat there behind her desk, scrolling down the list she has to examine that day. she sighed deeply as her thoughts wander elsewhere.

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Parallel Universe: Ch6

#6 of parallel universe **back to school troubles** when i woke up this morning, i saw alex sleeping there next to me. 'it wasn't a dream...' i smiled. i rose from my bed and cooked breakfast.

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Parallel Universe: Ch5

#5 of parallel universe **conflicts** "w-who are you?" alex stared at us. "alex, it's me. michael," i held him. "don't you remember?" alex just held his bandaged head and thought hard. "sorry..." he hung his head.

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