The Meteor Kitten
#3 of reddit writing prompts yet another flash of fiction. :) prompt from i'll be honest with you.
Shiny Cookie
* * * if you enjoy this concept, please don't be afraid to hit me up on dm or reddit chat \<3
Dragon Shower Demise
#4 of reddit writing prompts flipped this one around as far as perspective, but still sketched out a story. <3 and fair warning, this one comes with a fair bit of violence.
A Morning From Hell
This story was an experimental piece, with the (oddly specific) idea provided to me by a member of r/furry on reddit. beep beep beep a paw reached out from under a pile of blankets and whacked the alarm clock to the floor.
Life, Love, and Happiness
This is based on a reddit writing prompt that stuck with me until i wrote about love. <3 "love." "love? what's that?"
Heavy boots
I have added quite a bit to the original story that's on reddit but ultimately decided to keep it simple. although written around midnight, i hope i've made this tiredness-ridden story presentable.
Nice to Seat You Ch 1.3
All she had for an outlet was the internet, and reddit was not doing anything to improve her mood. besides, the dragon had already reached her destination. it was such a warm, clear day that turning back would only accomplish waste of gas.
Farm Brothers
Sitting on my computer, wafting through a long list of threads on reddit - just casually surfing around on the web where my almightly brother is probably out playing football, or whatever his type does. funny, really.
Hey, Sis - for Luv4gdub
A little story i wrote for (reddit user) luv4gdub. please enjoy! it should be fun. if you like, please comment/rate/favorite. thanks! ps: no, i did not account for the fact that siobhan (the sister) would get pregnant.
The Creed: Running Down The Rabbit Hole
#2 of the creed *note: j and purp are the characters that belong to /u/just_one_dude and /u/purplebatman in name only, mainly because j is a cyborg on reddit and purp is not a fox. _several weeks prior, in new orleans_ _fuck.
The Decaying Mall
The first, most salient thing you'll notice is that the text here (i.e., the canon text, what's going into what a horrible night to have a curse) is extremely different from "the decaying mall" that you can find on and the wikia and reddit
Pointless Sex II: Scott
Scott scoffed, as he browsed down the reddit front page casually with one hand on the mouse, the other hand stuffed into a bag of chips. "yeah, no kidding."