The Redeem: Chapter 8

I realized one thing that was inescapably true about my boots; they were not meant to be run in. i regretted choosing them in that moment because i couldn't run as fast as i normally could.

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TIOTSR Chapter 1-The Crash

Now here he was halfway across the country and still running the pain somehow getting worse with more distance gained. it didn't matter as long as he kept going, kept running.

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The Night's Song : Chapter Two

I just kept running up stair cases and down long hallways. i had gotten myself lost inside the royal castle before but not this badly. i walked until i found a window to glance out of.

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running i hit the ground running the pads of my paws scorched by friction no time to care no time to slow down i was late to begin with now the game is merely one of catching up when i'll stop is anyone's guess there are always more trails

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Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 4

I grab a bit more food and swallow it quickly before sealing the bag up again and with a little hop i begin to run. i have no actual destination with this run. i'm just running for the exercise and to work out these nerves and quiet the song.

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 1

Arden blushed, feeling incredibly self-conscious of his running ability. "you need to run a nine-minute mile... and i can barely run a mile, let alone do it in nine minutes." mark rolled his eyes. "see, that's just stupid. you're an otter.

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Yet to be Named Chapter 1: Escape

Thinking i could just run away like this. it's crazy. as i got closer back home, my ears perked up as i hear something. what is that? i followed the sound. it sounds like, laughter? who could laugh in a time like this?

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Rising Anew -Chapter 13 continued- Learning About Your Enemy

"run!!!!" menota ordered as the horde turned its attention to the trees marcerous had shouted to. the twins rushed to draw their swords as did menota. soma ready with two large, wickedly curved hunting knives.

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The Woods

The fox-girl's running was frantic, harder than anything kristine had been put through before. the two seemed to run forever, and she couldn't keep it up, heart pounding in her chest, lights appearing at the edge of her vision.

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The Basement

Winston sat in the front room of the run down house he'd received in his parent's will after they "mysteriously disappeared".

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To the Victor the Spoils (teaser)

Panting. Sweating. Whining. Heart racing. Legs pumping. Teeth clenching. Coltrane wasn't racing to the finish line. His blue flank didn't cut through the air of Padeema's cheering crowds, instead it slapped against the snow white fur of Rainee moaning...

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I have to throw down the anchor, to keep my feet planted, and resist the urge to run away because i know that if i stay to long, if i continue to look into those eyes every single night and morning, i will lose myself in them and there will be no

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