I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Six)
So here's a slightly revised and vastly added to version of this. The original posting was a bit weak and thanks goes to Orkinman for pointing out the problem. Anyway, here's something better. This bit can be a bit obscure if you've not read the...
The Fox and The Hound.
The Fox and The Hound By Roofles Even as the sun began to set, he would just look up into the darkening sky. And watch the clouds, as they drifted by... "Come on, come on!" Johnnie insisted, tugging on Ian's arm. Gripping it with both hands, the red...
Trashy Toons
The whole affair was surreal, not unpleasant but he did catch himself wondering idly when he was going to wake up. "trev, honey..."
Pandora's Templar - Chapter 25
**Disclaimer:** _Blah, Blah, Blah. I don't own Avatar; James Cameron does. All the Avatar stuff belongs to him. However, my Na'vi character, myself, the Dragon Weyr and its technologies, and the Pandoran animals of my menagerie are all mine. The...
Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 1
Chapter 1 You know, once upon a time lots of Anthros had great night vision. Not really sure if Lepids fell into that category, but I sure as Hells know we don't have it anymore. I stared into the inky...
Names Long Lost - S
_I feel... Empty..._ Scout felt like nothing more than a hollow shell floating in a vast void far above and away from the earth. He thought the ground was far below him, but he wasn't sure. All of his body was covered in protective biking gear, save...
#6 of tail and side stories a surreal, psychological short story set shortly after tail chapter 4, but not directly part of the main story. it can be read without reading tail, but it would lose some context.
A Surreal Equine Tale of halloween story
The white stallion's desire and arousal continued to build in this surreal and passionate moment.
A Conversation in Altered Space
Ah! Damn! I gave them too much! Should've known how small their brains are. I thought they would be able to withstand it with such an ego. ...
Milk n' Cookies
My entry for SheerContest2021. Thanks to DukeFerret and psydrosis for proofreading! **Milk n' Cookies** I don't know what brought me to wake that night. It was still dark...
The Tunnel
The truancy of any breeze as I walked along the dimly lit path disconcerted me, affixing my cutis alight with a myriad of impressions as it deftly strained to find any sensation at hand, whilst my eyes battled against the increasing gloom for any...
Falling Falling Falling
You lay in bed sleeping. Your lapine body is bare beneath the covers, sort of halfway between laying on your side and your front with one knee propping this position up. Your fur is soft, your ears are long, your...