Excerpt: Every Breath Closer - Inhuman Acts Anthology

"Every Breath Closer' By Slip Wolf I won't lie and say the ten thousand I'd lost didn't cross my mind when the police started to process the scene. Mostly I was just numb as I watched the dead otter's limbs twisted around themselves on the wet...

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Trophy Rack

The freshly taxidermied buck gazed through her with its glass eyes. she stepped to the side. "i can't stand in that spot anymore." "shoot, you're lucky i don't edit it into the family photos!" dale beamed. "twenty points, honey. twenty!

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Elysia: the Taxidermists - pt 2

Mitchell was now a delicious mockery of the taxidermy figures that he had spent years making. only this one was not dead and desecrated like the others, only frozen.

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A Bronze Rising: Out with the Old

Numerous sets of clothes for both male and female, taxidermy animals, lanterns, oil, towels and a dazzling supply of various sundry and minutae of daily life in the manor house.

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"just some old taxidermy animal." "well, _show_ us!," demanded another of the trio, grabbing at the box by alex's side. a brief struggle ensued with alex trying to maintain possession of the box while the younger man wrenched at it.

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Dragon Hunters

Usually, they would be sent to the local taxidermy and put on display, but hank had other ideas. when they stopped to rest, he pulled out one of the smaller ones and took a big bite into the little whelp.

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Cupcakes Re-done (Rough Draft)

And sitting in those chairs, were the taxidermied versions of rainbow dash and fluttershy, wearing party hats that had their cutie marks on them. "see this outfit? i made it.

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A realization, a Reunion And Fate.

The taxidermy-esque male's eyes lit up as they fell upon me. i knew instantly that this was my father. he put out a large bear-like paw and took mine in it, lifting me off the couch with ease. he looked like he was about to tear up.

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Chapter III: On The Moors of PXC-348

"well i'd say that you two should go to the taxidermy in the entrance of the town, they say there's a sample of the beast's skin there. with that nose of yours you should be able to find the beast within minutes."

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Elysia: the Taxidermists - pt 1

Patiently waiting for jake to push out the first grape, she looks around the house at the horrible results of this family's taxidermy. deer. rabbits. snakes. fish. pheasants. all victims of their brutal disregard for life.

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Broken Princess (Warning SNUFF content)

He kissed her frozen whiskers and laid her on the pillow beside him, smiling dreamily at her taxidermied face. after a few moments he kissed her nose and cuddled her to his neck, "night sweetie, gotta send out a search party to 'find' you tomorrow."

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The Great Starfall - Part I

The great gene sculptorariahad spent decades re-squencing their tribe alone, searching tirelessly through taxidermy trophies, musty museums, andprivategene banks from across the known galaxy.

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