The bulbasaur grinned, wrapping two of his vines around either end of abel's bone and bringing it in front of him.
Conversion: Pawpy
They had no teeth, just a sleek blue vine like tongue that filled their muzzle.
Darnlake Botany Vines
There was the vine pushing into my tailhole and then there was another moist vine just arched right under my cock, as if it was waiting to catch something. once the vine inside me hit my prostate and began to stroke it, everything came together.
Day 24 Vines
The higher the vines pulled him the deeper the tube-like plant was able to suck him in. soon he felt the vines were barely needed to keep a hold on him.
Tangled Vines - Prologue
#9 of tangled vines here's the prologue of my new story, "tangled vines".
The Vines of Venleaux Villa
The vines grew into the side of the villa, coming up from the rose garden my mother kept. like long green fingers, they grasped at it, clinging. i wondered to what purpose, what reason those vines clung as they did.
Island Vine Surprise
Pleasure rising once again, she began to moan as the vines pleasured her.
Between Vine and Fang
As he began walking away vines sprouted from a tree nearby and wrapped around him, pulling him against the bark.
Him as he relaxed his throat and let alare's tongue-vine delve deeper into his body.
Visiting the Botanical Gardens (1/10)
Though the vine had bypassed his tongue lorkos could taste that whatever the liquid was had a sweet property to it.
Conversion: Prestnos
They had two arms with long, delicate looking fingers and six long red vines swaying back and forth from their back, vines that ended in bulbous, green-yellow tips.
The mirror pool
There is a lake called the Mirror pool in West Yorkshire, UK. How far would you go to meet an idol? Would you die? How does it go? Devotion, fanaticism, martyrdom? It was worth a shot. Getting to the pool was easy, getting to where I _wanted_to go...