An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 9-Race Prep
"i can't wait to get to wisconsin,this is gonna be epic." "wonder what kind of competition there will be?" i asked.
Cherry: Chapter 15 - Refuge in the Woods
The locals in southern wisconsin had a joking axiom i'd heard every now and then: "travel thirty miles up north, and it feels like you travel thirty years back in time."
Shifting Consequences--Chapter 17: Finding Zack
Cher and Vale zero in on Zack's location By: Zmeydros AKA Lucien Quinn zmeydros (Twitter), Malfedrosti (Mal Twitter), Special Agent Cher Evans sips her vanilla hazelnut roasted coffee as she walks away from some little java joint...
My life in a nutshell
This is dedicated to my darling mate vincent banks it's a good thing that i'm in the kitchen my parents are arguing and bitching "why the fuck is he going to wisconsin?
Teaching the Ropes (Part 3)
As she went off with her husband lucas to work, he recieved a phone call from his client in wisconsin about the trial being moved to this week.
musket prologue: chapter 5
#2 of musket this is the final upload of the prologue. hopefully soon i will upload the intro of the main part for the series **joshua,** **deserter, 7th regiment, minnesota** **somewhere between minnesota and wisconsin,** **november 16th, 1862** **
Soul Shattered: Preface
When i was a young girl, my family and i moved to the small town of valders, wisconsin. my mom got a job as an editor at valders' journal and my dad teaches at the silver lake college. as for myself, i go to valders high school.
musket prologue: chapter 4,
#5 of musket this is a major part in the story of musket susan townsfolk, seamstress, wisconsin october 6th, 1862 dear joshua, i have some grave news to tell you, last week your father had fallen gravely ill. it would take all of his strength to sit
Underwater Defender
Something i wrote with my new and (not so) shiny phone on my car ride back to kansas from wisconsin. legs were crampy. but...
SPECIAL: Fur Squared 2014 Wrap-Up
Tommyfox: it was tundra con because alkali had the ingenious idea of holding a furcon in february in wisconsin during the polar vortex. (a ferret wearing a top hat walks into the room) alkali bismuth: would you like to run this con?!?
Shifting Consequences--Chapter 26: Healthy Urges
I think we can take wisconsin 22 all the way there." glenn turns off of the country road. they've driven in the wrong direction long enough. "you know the roads?" "well, some of them. i read my road atlas for wisconsin before i picked up zack.
Order's Wrath
They had gone over this whole process when they arrived in iowa, and reviewed it a second, third, and fourth time in the drive to wisconsin.