Electric Cheating with the MILF: Part Two
But there was a smile on his muzzle, kaylee right there before him, though the zeraora was dressed quite plainly - perhaps a little more plainly than he could have anticipated.
A Shocking Meeting - Herm Zeraora TF
He rubbed his eyes - standing in a clearing away from him was what appeared to be a zeraora, a legendary pokémon.
Rubbing it up
The shiny zeraora took one last calm breath, before hearing a calm and smug voice beside his ear. "had a rough day?"
Mysteries of the East Chapter 4: Research (Pt 3)
"the zeraora call it 'mokomoko'. my own people, we have no such combat sports, but the zeraora are a warrior people." "well hey, if that's what he enjoys then i'd be willing to try it with him too. besides...
Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 8: Snatch & Grab
"he may yet still be just that," said volcan, nodding in approval to the zeraora. "good job, koa." the zeraora smiled back, and the group started moving again as before, stepping past the unconscious barbaracle that volcan had positioned out of sight.
Orgasm Retention Training
Unlike the zeraora, who was consistently hitting his kitten-maker dead center, the ball of blair's foot pressed down onto the edges of leo's testicle.
Love, Lust, and Busts
~smack~ leo's attempt at responding was cut off by another hit from the zeraora. ~smack smack smack~ the group managed to fall into a nice rhythm.
Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 3: New Home, New Teachers
But before the words left his mouth, his gaze snapped to the zeraora besides her and he froze.
Endurance Training
_arceus, m-my nu-"_ while blair's snap kicks were quick enough to let his balls squirm around her feet, the zeraora's knee completely took up all the space between his legs.
Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 6: Defector
When the elevator jerked to a stop, the zeraora jumped slightly, startled, and caulin had to reassure him before they stepped off.
No Pain, No Gain
She was followed by a gracefully swaying gardevoir, who blushed as she caught leo's gaze, looking down with a shy grin and moving behind the zeraora.
Team Valiant Arc 8 Epilogue: The Coming Storm
The zeraora smiled, and that was all the answer caulin needed. the lucario smiled back and nodded, patting the zeraora's shoulder firmly. "it's a date then," he remarked. jora translated.