Blue Antiphon

I blow out another puff of smoke, adding to the stale haze already hanging in the air. It's another habit I could obviously do without, but I can only take one change at a time. The smoke turns green, yellow, red, green with the traffic light from...

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Mac griffith, over in psych, is developing a theory that tristan black wolf created in the late 70s when still an undergrad.

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_"All right, LISTEN UP!"_ The sharp command caromed off the walls of the gymnasium, bringing a swift silence from the hundred or so students seated on the bleachers. All were part of the varsity and JV teams spanning all disciplines, called in for a...

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Leaving Starhold

I woke slowly to a sweet, soft, hazy quiet. Sunday mornings have a particular quietness about them. Unless I'm on a case that can't wait (not many of those, contrary to television cop shows), my alarm is off, no church to go to, no friends for brunch....

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Bear Before Blini

So it was that I found myself ensconced in the guest bedroom, seated in a comfortable chair, since sitting on the bed was just way too strange for me to handle. I had given a brief thought to being on the bed when Dmitri came in, patting the space...

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New Year's Day

Lorita, this is tristan black wolf." in these modern times, one is unsure quite what the protocols might be for greeting anyone, but perhaps particularly a spouse.

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Reunion, Part 5

I wasn't sure that Andy was in any fit state to drive, but he pulled back into traffic and made his way toward the hotel. I asked Quinn if we should tell Errol what we were doing, and he shook his head. "When it's done, I'll tell him. We'll tell...

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Reunion, Part 4

"Selina," I managed to say. "Let me try," Quinn said quickly, getting out his own phone. "She knows my number." I looked to Andy. "What do we do now?" "We need to track Hasslermund." "Phone GPS?" "We don't have..." I could see the 'coon mentally...

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Engineering, Part 2

While still at the table in the Amore Bistro, I took out my common-use cell and made contact with Ignacio Santos. He seemed reluctant to meet with me again so soon, until I told him that I might have some clue about what had happened to Shelby Greiner....

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Engineering, Part 1

I'm partial neither to bars nor alcohol, although the occasional _aperitif_can be welcome. Properly, the word refers to a dry or fizzy alcoholic beverage (a Sloe Gin Fizz is a good example), although the word has come to mean any alcoholic beverage...

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Ennui Go

_For Sam Hurt and the One True Hank_ "Of course, there's nothing I can do about it, Dr. Leitner, because it's just what happens to me. The world is what it is, and it's not my fault that everything is that way. I've done all I can, and I...

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Breaking Down

Darkstar's deft deflection helped to keep the rest of the dinner conversation away from me personally, yet the conversation didn't seem the least bit stilted. I had the impression that my hosts felt that they had made me uncomfortable and, as one, they...

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