Band Changelings Part 2

With her new devious plan, (pause for maniacal laugh), she went around put up a ton of posters around the hive... even the bathrooms which goes without saying freaked some changelings out. The poster read as follows: NEW PLAN OF ATTACK!!! We are...

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Diamond Dog Sex Revolution - Beginnings

I need to keep my writing muscles flexed, so I decided I'd write a bunch of femdom diamond dog porn. If you have a problem with this, I literally called the story "Diamond Dog Sex Revolution" Why did you even click this? You're a silly pony...

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Talent is Pain: Kapitel 4

my little pony: friendship is magic gehört hasbro. alle charaktere, die vom original variieren und aus meinem kopf entsprungen sind gehören mir. jede kritik ist herzlich willkommen. kommentare natürlich auch. beides nehme ich mir sehr zu herzen.

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10 - Reflection

The sun peered in through the east facing window and caused Blue Shield's eyes to flick wide open. Without moving his head, he rotated his eyes in his sockets and gathered the information he needed about his surroundings. _I'm in a bed._ _We're in...

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08 - Mask of Courage

"Is that him?" Blue Shield asked as he laid flat on his stomach upon the too warm stone. "Oh yeah," Green River whispered softly, "that's him." "How can you tell?" Tick asked. "Looks a lot like the other red dragons," Tock echoed. "It's him,"...

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MLP ballbusting: Rainbow Dash and Soarin

"Oh come on," complained Rainbow Dash, pawing at the ground impatiently. "It's been like twenty minutes - it can't be _that_ bad." "You bucked me in the balls!" protested Soarin. The stallion had managed to uncurl from the fetal position at this point...

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Rainbow Blitz and the Changelings -Prologue

Rainbow Blitz woke up and stretched his wings with a yawn. It was yet another boring day in Cloudsdale to him. Working as one of the workers for the storm machines was a good job but not very glamorous; besides you didn't even get to fly anywhere!...

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I awoke to the feel of silky hair caressing my chest. At first, I was puzzled as to why I was not in my room on the first floor of the Carousel Boutique. But it did not take long for me to remember what had happened the previous night. "Rarity and...

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Beyond Friendship is Magic

The first thing I heard was a high-pitched scream that reverberated throughout the entire Carousel Boutique. I was so startled, I fell right off the sofa and fell face-first onto the floor. I was still half asleep at the time, but the force of...

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From Bane to Boon

I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping. Through the screen mesh that covered the head section of my sleeping bag, I could see the sturdy stone walls of the castle tower I had taken shelter in the previous night. "Right... I'm still in the Everfree...

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Hearts Set Afluttershy

I awoke to the feel of someone tapping my face gently. The hardness of the object that was touching me made me realize that it was a hoof. When I opened my eyes, I found that the hoof in question had the same opal-studded silver bracelet that I had...

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Elements of Battle: Reasons

I groaned loudly, consciousness slowly returning to me. And with it, a headache worse than any I'd had since my brother hit me over the head with his training sword when we were practicing. My brother... I shot straight up as the memories of the events...

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