Round 4 Part 1: Crystal's VS Dragons

We activated our duel disk, drew five cards and life point counters set.

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Vulpan Sexuality Research

Alot of sexual activity occurs here due to the subject matter at hand.

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The Bond

The walker shook violently as the brakes activated, while at the same time the gravity engines activated, reaching out and projecting a field around the flaming walker.

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Information - Story Links

Interlinks inbound links - - elara, the shadow kitsune shown briefly at the end of tails of power - descent into darkness, is an active and involved character in further development - the druid from mirror, mirror... takes an active role in further development


Simulation Realities: Problems of a Solar Magnitude

Finishing the math required i input it for the system to activate and felt the changes immediately as the thrusters activated. \*\*\* over looking all the digital information i saw a change, the data stream was fluctuating rapidly and i had to reroute it

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The Start

June 26th, 2939, rhajaro mantra was granted an honorable discharge after 5 years active service as a pilot & operator in the vanguard class, e-warfare fighter nicknamed, sparky.

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The Last Day on XZ-345

There was no pausing this time though, her body was still actively bouncing, as she was aware of both of the tentacles actively thrusting into her in tandem, both of them spinning clockwise as they entered, spinning counter clockwise as they nearly withdrew

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Chapter XI: Checkups, Surgery, and More

Are you sexually active?" mark nodded, and the nurse checked the box on the computer. "how long have you been sexually active?" mark thought back, and told her.

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Welcoming Party

I didn't sleep that night since i had a great view from the porch of _my_ little red house of the activity up above. it was very pretty, as if a hundred satellites were moving around.

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Oak in Grey Hollow - 4

He then explained that when activated with a touch, the enchanted wig would appear to all eyes as her own hair.

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Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 18

activating his stealth, he slid through the vegetation until he saw the monkey lying down at the top of a hill. straining, he could just make out voices in conversation coming from further ahead.

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