Episode 1: Runaway Lion

Kronk: we usually use potions to turn kuzco into animals and not sora. kronk: i mean, a beastman blood transfusion? sounds like it's from yzma: bna? kronk: yeah, bna: brand new animal. yzma: which that is a netflix original anime series!

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Demiurge/Malphas 1

A soft groan is muffled into the goose-down pillow as Demiurge slowly pushes upward, arms aching from exertion. The iron plates of his tail clink as it curls tightly then unfurls as he stretches, and his feet brush the plush carpet when he carefully...

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Demiurge/reader Ch. 16

_Demiurge rounds the corner to his Pet's room and deposits her onto the bed, watching her eyelids flutter as she fails to stay awake._ _If the Devil did not have concerns that Greed would find her irresistible, smelling of sex and in a state of utmost...

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Demiurge/reader Ch. 19

She has a collection of animal skulls and can adequately translate the fallen one's tongue. surely that is something _you_ of all people can appreciate, dr. evil." the goat of great disaster snorts with a light shake of his head.

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Dragoness' Heat Chapter 6

Still, he watched in slow motion as both dragon slowly made contact with each other like in the anime. and then.... to be continued.....

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Dragoness' Heat Chapter 5

"Where is he going?" Ariel thought as she noticed that her brother has escaped through his bedroom window as she decided to silently follow him towards the darkness of the forest ahead. Carefully, she navigated throughout the forest without the need...

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avery and apollo

Quick, crappy animal crossing fanfic featuring avery and apollo apollo yawned and flicked his tail feathers as he stretched out. the buff eagle scratched himself and adjusted his shorts as he pondered what to do next after swimming for a bit.

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Joining the Team: Chapter 2: Adapting

\animals...\> he pointed one paw at a nearby fern, \animal now, embrace it.\> \

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The Retreat [Animal Crossing Character TF/TGs]

The group all gathered at the station, ready for this little trip that Jake had thought up. Him along with some friends would travel on the train to visit a nearby town and just have fun exploring it together. It wasn't meant to be any grand...

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Quickie Freestyle One: How do I deal with it all?

it's too good to be true Is this love? Who knew How we would go through with our plans Erase the barrier in the sand And come forth to embrace the things we can't deal with Or have yet to feel it Out We're about To hold hands ...

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The Darkness Calls Part 3

I see you're also an anime fan" i said as i gestured over to his komasan figurine on his desk. "ohh yeah it's nothing i got it at.. wait you know what anime is?!?"

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She is an anime character god damn it so, fine, it was a fursuit, but it is also anime cosplay, or that is what i keep telling myself.

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