Little Blue Love (Full)
It was like a bitter spice upon veemon's tongue, the taste so exquisite as it tingled over his soft pink muscle.
The Boxer Rebellion
I didn't look up, i just took a pull on my pint letting the bitter taste calm the bile rising in my stomach. my nose taking in lungfuls of the dank bar air, stale beer and staler men.
The Victoria Chronicles - 18, Girl’s Day Out
Victoria said after washing her last bite down with some bitter coffee. _bleh, still too bitter._ "i'll figure that out after i figure out how to explain this to my friends." "how do you think they're doing?"
A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 7
_ time almost seemed to slow as the two bitter rivals clashed for the last time. houndoom pounced first, moments after jane came within striking distance.
A Bear's Needs: Restraint (Part 4 of 7)
Maybe that made it easier to stay bitter at you. feel like your messages woke me up from something. i don't want to be bitter at you. i don't want to be bitter at all. can we catch up? in person? i feel like a jackass sending messages like this.
Neighbors with Benefits
One of them was the bitter bite of dripping sweat. but that was only the beginning. beyond that was a whole host of things that alex couldn't quite pin down. but they were all bitter, clinging to his tongue like mud.
Xeno's Grumpy Lover: Chapter 1
To think that after all this time it was the bitter wrath of nature to kill him was folly, he'd never allow it to be so.
More Pit Stops
The bear growled, the cub moaning as her tongue grazed the edge of a bitter log.
The Wolf's Requiem Chapter 2 (Part 5)
"he's trying to make you a bitter killer, and trust me you don't want it to kill because your bitter, let me deal with him will you sort gale." a tear ran down jake's eye as he passed the piece of eden to gale's father, hesitating to give it to him.
Sam for the first time felt content, feeling bits of left over cum mix in with the bitter beer running across his tongue until he suckled at whatever was left of the salty taste on the dog's cock.
In Servitude
A bitter voice grumbled, as they passed someone who had wanted to win the human pet and had not. the rarity of the fur-less pet, making more than a few turn a jealous eye on the sleek handsome black feline.
The Captain
Its a great opportunity" he mumbled bitterly to himself slouching back in his chair as his red and black tail swished angrily behind him. "oh but it _is_ a great opportunity..."