Neighbors with Benefits
The soiled rat laid on his paws and knees, acting as a footstool for the kudu, working hard to hold up the heavy pair of hooves.
Navigating in a Changed World - Bucky's Hidden Talent and Bonnie's Dark Secret
The kudu nearly screamed into the cellphone. "the golem or whatever it was hurt him! he is bleeding!" the one on the phone insisted on bucky to calm down, and asked if the kudu himself was hurt.
Finnick's Favourite Customers
He heard the kudu grunt.
Chapter 4
The kudu spared a glance at his partner whom snorted. "excuse me?" he asked, rather irritated. nick gasped, and judy bit her nails in anxiety as nick made his way toward the other kudu. "oh, you must be him.
[Sketch] Naked
His hand rose, riding the throbbing veins of the kudu's head to the nub that was all that remained of his powerful horns. "i want to see khevin the jock stud mewling like a little kudu cow.
Bucky & Pronk
Bucky picked up speed then, jackhammering his mate's cheeks before the kudu let out a guttural, feral grunt.
Clover in the Mix 3
kudu chuckled and gave clover a pat on the stomach as he passed.
Had to deal with an insistent kudu." pyrrhi leaned into her touch, wagging his tail slightly. "that's okay. wouldn't want to keep you from your duties. how'd it go with the kudu?" the lioness frowned slightly.
Tage im Juni - MÜSLIMÄDCHEN - Ger
Sie hätte sich über die aufmerksamkeit sehr gefreut, wäre das universum kein infantiles gör, das es zu lieben schien, arglistigen schabernack mit dem kudu zu treiben. was zur hölle ein kudu ist? ja, das fragten sie viele.
The Gazelle Joint
By the time the kudu hostess appeared to seat them, the bunny had butterflies in her stomach, and she couldn't have said for certain if they were nerves or... something new.
The Risen Curtain - Chapter 10: The Spying Crow & Mother-Son Talk
The kudu said, apparently he had forgotten about judy, and the bunny decided that it was time to go back to her apartment.
Do You Love Me 4
The kudu gestured to the oryx standing next to him. "we're very loud and we're not apologizing for it!" without another word the door was slammed shut. "are they gone yet?!" the voice of pronk was heard through the wall.