The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Twelve: Informer

That means that there is a one percent chance that you are wrong." "i know but the chances that i am wrong are slim. besides, what do you want me to do? do you want me to ask her if she is a slave that was dumped on earth?"

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The War ch11

"i can try an old trick marcus taught me....morse code," conway said as he pulled out his hacking device, "if this doesn't work i will try to run a bypass on the door, but chances of getting it to work is a million to one percent."

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sleeping dragon

The chance of evil humans getting here is only one percent out of a thousand percent. good let us hope no human messes with my son as they will have burned hands if i'm not there supervising what they do then my son's shield will burn the hand.


Chapter 5- "Birth of a God"

You could write the name of all eight billion people in the world and you wouldn't get through one percent of the pages." "seriously?"

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Do Androids Eat Electric Sheep?

"only zero-point-zero-one percent of humans excite my port to produce lubricant. you are a member of that population. now, my serial bus expects an input. mr. slade, your interaction is crucial to my maintenance." translation: she needed his d, bad.

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My Life with Le Pew (A Looney Tunes Jeeves Prompt; posted with permission)

I swear i've only told you half of one percent of our honeymoon so far, and... mmnhh, i'm soaked. i'm gonna cum again soon but... sweetie? if i take a break... wanna go to the bedroom?

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A tailof magic and mystery chapter six

The remaining one percent is different. i get one wish from a concerned parent asking for help for her daughter who has cancer. i write back and ask where she is now. the daughter is at her house waiting to die and i am given an address.

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Chapter 59: Back For More!

"hmm... it seems that the data that you given only filled one percent, but worry not. you are not the only one that gathers the data." he looked at the cloak one. "baalmon, if you please." the cloak moved forward and produced a similar orb.

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Between - Chapter 3 (Milo)

Tiny creatures like us will never see more than one percent of what's out there." "does that bother you?" i look at him thinking maybe he's just playing with me. but in his face i find genuine curiosity.

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Jeremy 003

After a moments hesitation he subtracted one percent from his brother as well. the action planted an idea in his head that wouldn't go away. after the ceremony the family went out on a rare night out for dinner.


Two Steps from Heaven

Like, one-percenter stuff. did you see downstairs? they have lion's roar! live! there! on stage!" "that sounds _very_ important, given your reverence." he laughed, pushing the laptops aside. "how can you _not_ know lion's...oh forget it.

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