A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 27

#27 of heart's bond book 2 - a warrior's heart home to the fleet the bridge of the rose was cramped this morning, with every frr'a'narr'ah taking her place in the circle of mothers, and even francisco and night star were in attendance.

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 15

#15 of heart's bond book 2 - a warrior's heart another addition to the mrr'tani federation fleet, and strong soul continues to grow.

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 13

#13 of heart's bond book 2 - a warrior's heart decisions about what comes next and a revelation from fire thrower "no," firebreather said across the table, his voice firm and unyielding, "you can't hit the ship there.

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Redwall songs #1 OLD STORIES

Great hall fire's on winter nights the legends who remembers, battles, banquets, comrades, quests, recalled midest glowing embers, draw close now little woodlander, take this to sleep with you, my tale or dusty far of times when warriors hearts were true,then

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Ode to a Goldfish

My warrior's heart shrivels like paper, tarpped within fiery emotions. to feel those arms around me, the strong limbs that gave me hope before. ironic virtual ones seemed to be more effective, despite how much i had prayed for it.

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Day 10 - Storm

His distress echoed in the former warrior's heart, his wings flapping ceaselessly at their side. wumanok showered the bird with love and safety, his thick green fingers gently caressing the bird's beak.


War Paint

Lately, she had been seeing a good-looking boyfriend who played football, one with a warrior heart who would very readily lay down his life for her, one who would be a patient and kind father to her future cubs if they ever decided to marry after high school

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Life as a Elite Part 1

But he has the warrior's heart. now go.... train him i want him." the arbiter nodded. "it will be done." the arbiter walked away and headed to me. i was losing big time in the hand to hand. arbiter kept seeing me get knocked down.

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Life as a Elite Chapter 1

But he has the warrior's heart. now go.... train him i want him." the arbiter nodded. "it will be done." the arbiter walked away and headed to me. i was losing big time in the hand to hand. arbiter kept seeing me get knocked down.

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The Myrakkari Chronicles (v.1.0) Chapter One

Pride filled the warrior's heart as he beamed at his wife and sleeping child. "there is more...." the shaman's tone lowered worridly. argoth turned to the shaman again, who held up the feather. "this was found in your hearth during childbirth.

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Ritoyami Story 1 - Teba's Affections

Seeing her smile back at him made the young warrior's heart swell within his chest.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Myrh Milestone 1a

The warrior's heart rate increased when he laid his eyes upon mother alisha; she so very rarely met with him since the war ended-- he always seemed to receive her words through an underling.

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