If unrestrained, afflicted will often be avoidant and fearful, highly aggressive if approached. afflicted is most viral at this point. telltale sign is the frothy mouth and aggression, thrashing.

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Loyal Dogs: The Traitor Chapter 2

"as you already know, afflicted are incredibly violent and dangerous. they cannot be threatened or reasoned with, and they know nothing of kindness or mercy. they will attack anything they encounter including other afflicted.

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Alcatraz Ch. XXV-Ajisai

He had an afflict to check on, damn it... "you need any help getting off this roof, wolfie?" she'd always called him wolfie; because it pissed him off.

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Loss of a Loved One

For as long as you remain fully human, your hunting skills will be reduced to obsoleteness, your only way of recovering what's yours is affliction."

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Alcatraz Ch. XIX-Despoina

Having studied the janus afflicts extensively, she was quite surprised in the faith gra had in the janus afflicts, they really didn't know how ineffective they were.

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Alcatraz V2 - Chapter I

"this one has the afflict in it. the one the scribes were talking about... and reyna trojan." "an afflict and some bitch from high society. what do you want me to do, kill them?" "i'll detail it later.

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Fortieth Entry

"rub that on the afflicted areas," ryg said. "it won't cure you, of course, but it should soothe your affliction for a while.

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The Races of Grimmwood

**lychanthrope:** sapiens afflicted with lychanthropy; become varying forms of anthropomorphic wolves by phases of the moon. **verezial:** sapiens afflicted by the "crimson heart" disease. they become verezial, or in slang, vampiric.

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Avenging the past: Prologue

This was not welcomed badly, of course the afflicted became proud of such abilities. then, rapid hair growth, almost completely covering the body, but it wasn't like ordinary hair, more akin to fur.

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Lykos Redemption Act IV Ch. 2

They hated zeus for this atrocity he'd committed and they believed demeas would allow them the best means to make good of this new ailment from which they were all afflicted, "say goodbye to your old life.

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Even Villains Give Happy Endings (Chapter 3)

Marco tended to exaggerate the amount of afflicted that came towards the camp, claiming hundreds when it was merely dozens. unaware of what specific disease or madness they had contracted, the afflicted were often easy to spot.

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Introduction to Manipulators: Various Species of Manipulator

Omegas can be afflicted with tri brained. note: when i say 'regular average,' with regards to telekinetix, i'm talking about the average for digi, exo, and power manipulators.