Dining Hall

"Keep up Kaz," Steffen called back to his boyfriend, the svelte otter turning his head over his shoulder and just giving a light smile as he looked back at the sight behind him. His eyes drank up just what he had created, the years of work that had...

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Capacity Test

"New animal detected. Scanning," called out an electronic, monotone voice. The voice snapped Ian back to consciousness, making him yawn and stretch out as a red light passed over him. The brown bear had been drinking a little too much the night before...

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Bar Tab

"Welcome, just take a seat anywhere!" Came a call from behind the bar, the large hybrid behind it giving a large grin and gesturing to the few open spaces up at the counter before him. Most were filled by varying furs, though there seemed to be a...

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Adding X's

Cursing under his breath, Dillon gave one more tug to his ill-fitting pants, his paws struggling to hold onto the straining material that was currently stuck just beneath the curve of his rear. He had worked the pants up his legs alright, though...

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Malary was floating. Her whole frame felt as though it was being suspended on air itself, just levitating above a ground that she could not see. Her arms and legs just dangled uselessly at her sides, their fattened flesh jiggling and quaking about...

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M for Muscle

Zev flexed slightly, his muscles just barely bulging on his herculean frame. This little bulge though was enough for the small feline watching him, some tiger that he didn't even know the name of. This tiger was practically drooling over the sight of...

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The box wasn't anything special, if not for being big. Koebi didn't remember anything about any sort of order, but the brown-and-white wolf was fairly forgetful, so he chalked it up to just ordering something and forgetting about it. No return...

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Fair Tales

"Are you sure you really want to challenge _me_, the God of Gluttony, to anything even passively related with eating? I mean, I know you're pre-" "No powers for either of us, and first one to stop eating loses. I'd say that's fair." "No eating the...

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K for Kissing

The flash of light faded the second the knock at the door reached Andrea's ears. The fattened female just blushed as she heard it, adjusting her top over her breasts and just smiling to herself. What had been a downright fat fox just moments before...

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Arms entwined, both Jonathan and Sandra approached the new bakery. Fresh in town, the place looked quaint to say the least, and that was something that had drawn Sandra in. Unbeknownst to Jonathan however, there was something else that had drawn the...

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J for Jelly

Marc was always anxious when his mail came. He got a lot of letters and packages from his friends, usually some sort of new thing to play with or an invention from a rather genius friend of his named Silver. The dragon had always been an inventor, and...

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Breaking The Cage

Jonathan couldn't remember when the cage had snapped. It had been sometime in the past, sometime while he had been eating and eating and eating, but somehow during that time he had gone from being inside confinement to out of it. The hybrid had no idea...

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