
Kal yawned as he stood behind the counter, just another boring day selling potions to horny guys, girls and some folks that fall somewhere between the two. It had been a quiet day, midweek often was, people liked to let the sexual tension build up and...

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Who's the boss?

Control, what's it all about, I mean really? In the grander scheme of things we are but mere tiny collections of chemicals in a loose bag, clinging to a ball of rock hurtling through space, every second we travel thirty kilometres, each heartbeat is...

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Joining the Herd

Robyn glanced nervously out of the car window. It had been a bit of a strange week, good though, but very strange. The large black four-by-four sat in the middle of a farm, or what had once been a farm, the buildings were ancient. However, the barn had...

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Going home for Christmas

What was he doing here? A good question, one Colin had been asked a few times since he arrived in Norway. Not unkindly. However, an Englishman in Norway and so close to Christmas when the green was gone and the white was in charge. Of course, he...

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Do you have anything to declare?

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have now touched down in Heathrow, please stay in your seats until the plane has come to a complete stop," Tony shuddered to hear those words as he felt his heart begin to race. "On behalf of British Airways, we hope you have...

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A Hero's Tail

Cowpat was a small village, with a problem. Aside, of course, from its really unfortunate name. There is a heartwarming story behind it, one I'm not going to tell. However, suffice to say it involves a farmer, a knight and a very obstinate pregnant...

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Dust Cloud Run Around

London, England. It seemed like such an adventure a decade ago, when I first arrived. A city so vibrant, full of life, and with a unique character I can't quite place. I love my home -- Houston, Texas -- and it will always be my first love. London is...

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Distant Earth CYOA part 29

_Option C set a generator to overload._ _Option B got quite a lot of votes too_ Zack sighed, he knew that the best chance for the crew would be to vent the atmosphere, but he couldn't bring himself to kill several hundred people. He didn't have it in...

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I Remember You

I remember you. I sit in this chair looking out over green fields, I don't remember when they moved me here, that and so much more has faded. The nurses tell me that I don't remember to go to the bathroom anymore, they tut their tongues and mutter in...

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New Years Day

Boxing day, the day after Christmas. A day when the entire country wakes up with a stomach sore from overeating and a kitchen filled with leftovers. Most people make enough food for six meals on Christmas day, after all it's not a feast if your pants...

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Dyeing to be with you-

1: Climate Change Being different. We're told it's great to be unique, and maybe that's true, in a way. However, standing out has its drawbacks. It's part of civilisation, part of intelligence, a pack mentality if you will. I'm like you, and you are...

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Distant Earth CYOA part 28

_Option A, Play along but don't trust Karlos stun him if he gets a chance_ _It seems you guys don't trust the badger_ Zack stared open jawed at the badger, he knew he had to try and help the others, but he couldn't trust the badger he might still be...

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