Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 3-B

Curling into a ball, she narrowly dodged both beams whirling above and below her. she had barely landed when she found herself stepping over a beam that had moved from the opposite pillar.

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Chapter 9: The Battle continues

Before he could smack her, a solid beam of pure white light shot out and hit him in the arm. the beam did no damage, but it grabbed his attention to look at the origin of the beam, and to his surprise it had come from spyro. "don't you dare touch her!"

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Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past - Chapter 1: End of darkness

beam is almost gone now!" sparx said pointing towards the beam. spyro and cynder started to move a bit faster towards hole where beam came trough. spyro's pain increased with every step he took . "i think i'm going to pass out...

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 3: Chapter 9

Confidence gave a shout of excitement as the beam vulcans popped out of her fighter's arms and she dove into the next flurry of fighters, the beam vulcans tearing through every ship that came near her with her beam katars carving through any her guns missed

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Chapter 27: Determination! Altered Evolution!

Zero unleashed his beam attack from his maw and al unleashed the beam from his six gun on his wing and two more from his armor and focused on zero's beam. the beams hit each other causing sparks from the impact and it didn't ended there.

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Chapter 9: The truth, part of his past is revealed

Before he could smack her, a solid beam of pure white light shot out and hit him in the arm. the beam did no damage, but it grabbed his attention to look at the origin of the beam, and to his surprise it had come from spyro. "don't you dare touch her!"

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Ice Path and Blackthorn City

"jynx use ice beam!" jynx used ice beam causing kingdra to be partially frozen, while clair desperately tried to awaken her kingdra to no avail. "jynx finish this up with one more ice beam!"

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Emerald Knight vs. Night Glare

She asked before she fired her beams again. emerald knight quickly dodged the beams cringing at the added stress from the cut. "mo what are you a light show?" she chuckled before suddenly having an idea.

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A New World, A New Journey Chapter 9

Ice beam!" called adrienne. shadow opened his mouth and a ice blue sphere formed before several blue beams shoot out and tried to hit me. i dodged as best as i could, but got hit in the end.

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The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 2: The Duel

Tyrant stopped and used hyper beam on the upsaring, the upsaring blocked it with his hands. tyrant fired an hyper beam at the upsaring once more but this time he dodged it and the beam left an sand smoke.

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Rhysoning With One's Heart- Chapter 2- The Road to Recovery is Always Harsh

He threw his head towards me and started charging another hyper beam, "most people find out why i gave them things in their own time, i won't remove it!" he fired the beam and sent it straight into me.

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Balance of Power

So it was that many events were actually race-specific; normally, the balance beams were cat-and-rabbit-only.

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