Chapter 2: Brother Bonding
When he got to the second branch, he reached for the third branch and missed. he landed on the first branch with a whimper, then fell to the floor with a thud and a grunt. i only heard the thud because i looked away; it did not sound good.
Hot Spring Solo
Lifting his head back up and opening his eyes, he brings that hand up, to see it's still grasping the tree branch that had broken off. he notices the branch, as well: the non-broken end was surprisingly blunt and even, the branch itself an even size.
(Optional Chapter) Beastly Behavior
But for now, the occasional date with a branch will do. -gilda
Snow Bunny Ch.1
The elk shook its head to rid itself of the branches caught on its antlers and raised its head to eat the leaves from the branches, exposing its neck. liolyn felt a shiver a terror course through his body as the fangs ripped off branches.
Believe – Chapter 20: Cernunnos
He asked the beavers to cut two big branches of a tree and bring them to him. wondering about what he wanted to do with the branches they complied and soon they brought big branches with many twigs to him.
The View From on Top of the World
I made a quick jump for the last branch i needed to reach. as my paws met it, i heard the branch below me shake loudly.
Dire Wolf Rivals
Teeth slashed and snapped, the branch-horn screaming in fear as she hurtled through the branches. her horns were a problem, pulling her back whenever she tried to force her way through.
Strong branches cradled him and lifted him higher to safety. he was laid carefully across the very branch where he and his friend had perched, almost in the same spot kac had spotted the strange protrusion of bark.
Excerpt: Bestiakin
To branch **average lifespan:** varies from branch to branch **intelligence level:** low to above average intelligence; varies from branch to branch **civilization level:** stone age **civilization age:** n/a **bio:** bestiakin
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 49
Without warning, a burning tree branch broke free above her head and came tumbling down, snagging on other branches along the way.
Sally's Squirrel Transformation
She stood up gingerly and grinned as the birch branches greeted her. she was huge. the squirrel had to duck to escape the branches, several of which still dripped from her explosive orgasm.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 140
Without warning, a burning tree branch broke free above her head and came tumbling down, snagging on other branches along the way.