Milk Laden Rainbow
Aww don't worry dashy here have a consolation prize," says apple jack as she hands rainbow dash a bottle of apple cider. "really, you mean it, thank you so much says dashy as she opens the bottle and starts to drink its contents.
Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Prologue - 00 - Live to Break Me
"rainbow dash, dashie. it's mommy," celestia said in a gentle voice. the filly slowly stirred, stretching her downy hooves out and giving a squeaking yawn before slowly opened it's cerise eyes.
The Fire Burns
dashie soon arrived, pushing a storm cloud. she kicked it, and it began to pour rain down onto the fire. several other pegasi arrived behind her, also carrying clouds.
COMMISSION: Love and War: Scootaloo vs Rainbow Dash
She hadn't, but while their bodies were together and her opponent was stunned, dashie might as well take advantage of the situation.
Chapter 3 - The Perfect Picnic
A turn of her tail and dash was rushing from the kitchen, with only an outcry from rarity stopping her in her tracks, "dashy!" "yeah?" "it might be wise for you to take off my robe first, hmm?"
Chapter 1 - The Fabulous Friendship
A sudden gasp from her concerned friend, immediately to her hooves to help dash to her pads, "oh my word dashy, are you okay?"
My Little Dashie Epilogue
dashie was back where she belonged, and the old photo album was locked safely away, lest my wife or my little girl stumble upon it. that part of my life, however magical, was over. she was gone. i had accepted that in full.
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic The forgotten and the forgiven
Poor dashie, she must have worn herself out. they were still in pinkie's bed, with dried secretions on the legs and mouth.
Story Based On A Dream Chapter 1
Oh, dashie!" jen moaned lustfully.rainbow licked jen's face again, and nuzzled her."i'm yours forever." she told the human.
A Steamy Day at Hortonville High
"charge me, dashie!" rainbow dash flapped her wings and adjusted her rear hooves for leverage and started pistoning her flushed ponyhood against him, slamming down as hard as she could on the 9th thrust.
Ingress: Vacation 4
"h-holy fuck dashie," he groaned, his toes clenching at the floor helplessly. "i keep forgetting how good at this you are."
My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic: Friends Beyond Magic
"dashie." pinkie said in a pleased and calmed manner. "i don't mind that you love another mare!" dash turned her. "you don't?" pinkie shook her head. "no, i don't mind and i want you happpy dashie!" she hugged her with her left hoof.