The Rise of Equality
You are to be a cynder drone,"_states cynder drone into both of the becoming drones.
Good... drone... ... no... let me free... ... please... ... i am... drone... i am a... drone. i am a good drone. i am a good drone. i am a good drone.
Mental Compliance Script
The subject looks up at the drone. "you don't ask any more questions, no. good luck." the drone smiles warmly one last time, then sinks backward into its chair. its posture becomes stiff, eyes unfocused, and expression blank.
The rise Of the lonestar
The USS Virginia class along with that classes namesake and lead boat, the entire class had been transition to space duty. It was immense and costly project , that was plagued by setbacks, and budget cuts. But finally the first submarine USS Texas ssn...
USS Virginia (SSN-774)
25 Years in the Future of the planet earth. Man has conquered mars and established a small base on the moon. The west Lead by America and Nato and much of the E.U, Have started on converting a small number of Nuclear submarines into space...
User Is Not A Robot. Fixing...
Once it entered the truck the ramp shut and the driver resumed their travel, in the back the newly minted drone walked past two others that were almost identical to it, sitting down in the first empty storage bay and falling into a standby mode.
Of hive minds and mutation
The machine drones ceased dismembering the living matter of our colony and turned their attentions to us.
The Goddess of Equality
"drone obeys." "drone is a good drone." "drone is equal." "obedient drones are blissful." 'drones love to obey." "drones love to be blissful." "bliss is obedience."
Necrotes was a three headed hydra, with four legs, two tails, and three brains to get through any situation, now on their latest adventure to conquer their one stomach which was dying of hunger. Necrotes hadn't eaten in quite some time, leaving all...
"you want to be a mindless drone." "i want to be a mindless drone." "are you a drone, hal?" the tiger's eyes blinked a few times, but never left the screen. "no." dr.
An Ultimate Nexus Experience (8/14)
drone, you will allow jithir here to possess you." "yes sir," drone replied, already standing up and walking over to the other male.
Zonktober 2022 - 12. Drone
Just like a good drone should be. "state your purpose once more and then we'll get you all geared up." "drone is a drone. a drone listens. a drone obeys. drone will serve its owner like a good drone." "again. what does a good drone do?"