Draykan's Hoard 6
"you'll be an excellent addition to my drayky's hoard once i break you, veshra." another punch to the stomach, followed by a knee straight to her snatch, makes the shape shifter scream. "breaking already?
Draykan's Hoard 5
"You don't have to worry about me," Draykan says, gulping down some coffee, "I'm a bit out of practice, but I love to cook!" "Oh, really, and what training have you had?" asks Baker. "I'm self-taught!" Baker catches his chest and sighs,...
Draykan's Hoard 9
Standing on the sidewalk beside the newly arrived carriage is a woman dressed in a scarlet dress that clings to her body. She huffs when the ostentatious display comes, waiting for the door to open before she steps in. Like many of its kind, the...
The kobold and his hoard
Commission for my master teryxc the kobold and his hoard by patrick d. lambert commissioned by teryxc part 1 claire de lune.
Adding to a Dragon's Hoard
Not only will you be a prized piece in my hoard, but all of your hoard shall be added to my own, and the kobolds will be only too glad to see to your every need every day. that includes that of the body," he purred.
Volt's New Hoard
With steffie now a new addition to his hoard, volt was now wondering just how many other mammoths were awaiting him in this place. he was now all the more curious and eager to find out. soon enough, his hoard would be expanding, one mare at a time.
Draykan's Hoard 10
How feels it? Are you still experiencing pain? It's been five years since you lost those extremities. Don't worry, because we have replacements ready for you. Just move them with your mind. -- Galenna wakes up in a cold sweat. The sheets all...
Draykan's Hoard 13
The light falls upon the stage, the curtains pulling apart. Stepping out in shining gloves and boots is a red dragoness. Twin heads snake up from long necks, dancing between each other. Small masks cover her eyes, doing the bare minimum to hide her...
Draykan's Hoard 12
The apartment is such a strange place for Didatrinox. So, when she returns, she sits on the rooftop, watching over the streets below, while her other head looks to the skies. She stands, her arms wrapped over herself as she awaits the arrival of...
An Even Greater Treasure
Surely, women were amazing, but...wouldn't this hoard make me more attractive to the opposite sex? and i couldn't carry, much less take care of such a hoard with my meek human body.
The Misadventures of an Unexpected Dragon - Chapter 5
"we found the eztil hoard." i didn't know what the eztil hoard was--and i could hear the capital letters in the way he said it--but clearly the others did as a stunned silence fell over the crowd.
Moving In
The wolf then turned, stepping off the keyboard, and strode his way around the hoard.