
_infiltrators infiltrate, stay out of the light, remain hidden.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 24

He once served as a special tactics unit that handled infiltration and ambush of criminal hideouts.

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An Evertech Tale Chapter 1

The plane ride was uneventful, the grey wolf spent the majority of it staring out the side window at the ground below watching as tiny cities flew by. He was well used to flying at this point, for his job it...

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Infiltration's Epilogue [Patron Reward]

As the name implies, this is an epilogue to infiltration, which you can read here!if you'd like to read more like this before it gets posted publicly, head over to my patreon!

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Advent, Chapter 8-Infiltration

Chapter 8: infiltration july 9, 1:56 pm, edt i woke up to the sound of a loud tropical bird belting out a screeching overture of sequined noises.


Chapter 8: Infiltration into Hell

Comrade! What are you doing! Exile continued to pound the door mercilessly trying to break it down. Comrade I forgive you for what you did with Hunter......I know it's in nature to not push away.....please don't do anything stupid! Exile...

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[Sly One]: The Predatory Infiltrator

[the sly one]: the predatory infiltrator "demi-gods do exists, and let me tell you, they are quite bored."

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The Key to Infiltration is the Proper Disguise

Night had fallen upon the kingdom of Thalreith, home of a primarily canine race that had gone from a scattered nation of packs to one banner under an alpha wolf named Thalros. When he had named himself the Prime Alpha the others quickly fell in line,...

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ToLaD: Chapter 11: Infiltration

"start to infiltrate, guys. i will be a few moments." fahyim stated. ra~id nodded and placed his helmet on, the other two doing the same thing. they jumped out the back of the van, closing the doors, and cloaked themselves.

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Cynder's Infiltration Mission - NSFW

Cynder's infiltration mission - nsfw synopsis: prequel to spyro's espionage mission, the story unfolds on cynder who was sent by the ice guardian, cyril to explore a suspicious group of dragons that were smuggling unknown plants and creatures from the ancient

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[SNEAK PEEK] Infiltration's Epilogue

infiltration's epilogueby limewahpatron reward for flarfenarfle (july 2023)18+ it is recommended you read infiltration before you read this story; you can read it here!- snap.

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