From Silver to Rags

The people of galestown have only the watchers to keep them safe from the dreaded lycanthropes.

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Comfortable in your Skin

"neither did all but one of the other lycanthropes." "point taken." the door to the house opened and david, danielle's father was standing in the doorway. he didn't say a word but simply crossed his arms over his chest.

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Spreading the Gift

He wasn't alarmed despite the drooling lycanthropes surrounding him, only sensing a friendly warmth from them despite their ferocious outer.

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Escape With Me

He saw several pairs of patrons, all of whom were lycanthropes, walk past the curtains. maybe it was an exit to not arouse suspicion. dulion's concerns vanished as he began to drink with vixen.

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Ceredwyn Whitefurr - Profile (Clean version)

She is a naturally shy creature, but is easy to get along with and friendly - despite her lycanthropic heritage.

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A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends #22

I said my goodbyes gave everyone hugs then i jumped up on to luna's shoulder, as all the other lycanthropes and mark petrov and zain decided to play spin the bottle. 'i'm going to head of' i say.

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Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Prologue

They are the ones who are the worst off of the three different species of lycanthropes. they can only change during the full moon and have little control over their wolves.

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Rogue's Point

Finally, after a good half hour of raw riding the feral dragon the lycanthrope's stamina gives way to his primal need for release.

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Unwelcome Visitors

A bunch of different themes and ideas came into his mind; all of which revolved around the idea that lycanthropes and humans could coexist peacefully.

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Romance and Riots

After all, her entire family hated lycanthropes, so why would she go to an apartment everyone knew was full of them? and besides, why would she want to have dinner at all with him? nevertheless, she said yes.

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Aldruin, Chapter III: Experiment

The curse you are now so generously infected with is special, and unlike that of normal lycanthropes. that is; lycanthropes that do not plague this city because of this wretched cult, do not possess this special feature.

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Chapter Two: Near Dead Experience

The dæmons, angels, weres, dragons, lycanthropes, and pureweres all do it differently in order to avoid this problem. they choose their heir based on ability, mentality, and likeability.

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