Life. To short or to long? Part one

Im thanking the land and nature for provideing and im thanking the animal for its sacrafice. its something my parents did.. i just got in a habbit of doing it..

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The Trensetters 2 PT1

Having ron around was no problem at all, and it really made her feel like she had a chance to repay ron for his unlimited kindness and sacrafices.


Kayla: Finding Normality

She knew he paid for what he had with his own blood and sacrafice - something no penitatas could say they had ever done.

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Kayla: Destiny's Meeting

His green reptilian skin stayed colored and unflushed, he was thankful for, as he smiled and accepted a starfleet medal of sacrafice, an honored award that signified he caused himself mortal harm in the line of duty and saved the lives of others.

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Lost Legend of Agrok Ch2

With such tender care and minor sacrafice staring her strait in the eyes, agrok could not deny that she had been adopted by the female drake as her own.

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The Trensetters 3

She accepted the sacrafice, and with her mother's help, it wasn't in vain. sheila's friendship was something she didn't know how to live without, because it had always been there.


Kayla: The Ultimate

She felt her mother's sacrafices to ensure her life on aspatria were in vain, if she had wasted it like this. maybe.. she would get to tell her she was sorry, very soon. "everyone... i'm sorry...

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Pikachu's Unexpected love 2(COMPLETE STORY)

**chapter 18: a pokemon's sacrafice** a pokemon's sacrfice "wake up, bayleef!" ash yelled desperately as they plummeted towards the ground. "go, swellow!!!" ash yelled throwing his pokeball out.

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