Species study: Jaffean
Jaffeans are most closely associated with the earth family felidae as well as homo sapiens. key anatomical details, however, distinguish them from both of these families.
Chapter 1: Prologue
Keith however wasn't just some ordinary dog......he was a canine sapien, meaning a dog with human characteristics.
Darwin 2.0
They are as keen and ambitious as any of the homo-sapiens. with medical advances, literature advances, and development among the humans these animals were soon no stranger to the bipedal way of life.
Worlds Apart - Chapter One
The sapiens tried to keep his eyes north of the border, as it were, but was unable to stop their southbound travel.
Nano Age Sapiens C2.odt
The homo sapiens referred to as herbert crawled out of the blanket holding him prisoner and sized up from the sofa. the magnificent shape of a crocuta sapiens, dressed in nothing more than panties and nightshirt, stood between him and the windows.
The Rough Trade
The homo sapien was getting close. he begged, "m-may i s-sir?" graciously the black fur grunted and nodded. the lad moaned his relief. he jerked his angry red shaft a couple of times and cried out.
Vulpes Lupis Chapter One: BRAGGing rights.
"wolf is bad, believe me, they absolutely hate anything vulpine, they work for the council of sapiens. barker's voice was almost a whisper. "meyers, do you copy, we've got snipers!
Friendship is Hunted: Royal Treatment
The cosmo sapien could not bring himself to kill her in that pit. her radiance had touched him.
Worlds Apart - Chapter Two
The elevator car would have been close quarters for a pair of sapiens; sharing it with bo made the accommodations decidedly cramped.
Filling the Void - Chapter Eight
Virtual though they might be, the stack of file folders on Dagen's desktop was still imposing. Each folder represented one of Master Nolan's students, and contained every scrap of information the Kenzine Order had collected about that child's past...
Krystal, Rouge, Renamon and Sally 4 - Project R
There are three sections to our race; the grex or 'the people', the sapiens vir or 'the elders' and the sator or the 'the creators' in respective order of increasing importance.
Nano Age Sapiens - C1
#2 of nano age sapiens waking up. he was inside some kind of dark pod that fell apart as soon as he instinctively moved to struggle free from the claustrophobic place. sand poured in.