Star Fox: First Contact - Mission II

Kind of a bit sudden but we're finally going to see sauria for the first time in a while. nervous?" "not at all. i'm so excited, actually. it's been far too long."

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Star Fox: Ascension #11 ASCENSION

Fox, i want you to describe to us what happened on sauria over the past 24 hours." the general told him.

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Star Fox: First Contact - Mission V

They would see the cloud runners, the horn tails and all other citizens of sauria.

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Krystal and Chase: Reunion P2

"but then came the sauria incident. shortly before general scales captured me, we were on our way towards his ship.

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Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 8: The Sharpclaw City Ransom

"ryan," he began, "we've reached sauria. please report to the bridge." i quickly got up and made my way back up to the bridge. as soon as i got there everyone was gathered in a circle.

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Star Fox: Ascension #03 IMPRISONED

His intuition was whispering to him that there was another reason they'd come to sauria. "peppy, can you and rob get with the general. i want you to start asking questions about why imperial forces would want to target sauria."

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Star Fox: Ascension #06 PACIFICATION

"it says if we blow it up the shield around sauria will turn off. is that ok?" "i can radio everyone overhead, so they'll know what's coming.

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Zero Point: Chapter 11- Moral Bankruptcy

"the legends also spoke of another... another cerinian that would deliver sauria from certain destruction. i am certain you are the one."

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Chapter 2 – A Vixen’s Telepathic Powers

They made their way through the woods and glades of sauria until they reached the walled city where they were greeted by king tricky.

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Star Fox: Ascension #10 HUBRIS

Chapter 10//hubris \<\< arwing 01, in orbit around planet sauria \>\> the bright light that had consumed the space around them began to fade and the two foxes could see again.

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Chapter 5: Uncharted Miracle

When i came to lylat, sauria was the closest habitable planet, and just out of range of my shuttle's jump-drive. once i arrived in sauria's path, i had to travel at top speed until i reached an intersecting point with sauria's orbital path.

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