The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 4: Bon Appetit

#4 of the legend of spyro - sins of the past chapter 4 - bon appétit "good night spyro. have sweet dreams." cynder said and laid her head next to spyro's. spyro dreamed being on plains alone, surrounded by tall grass.

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TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 8)

spyro said. "indeed, almost too perfect don't you think?" cyril asked making spyro look at him with a questioning look. "what do you mean?" spyro asked.

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Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 7

Sparx called out from behind spyro. this made spyro react as he remembered, before lowering his head as red approached. when in correct position, spyro suddenly launched himself up, using his horns against red's mid-section.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 6: Hideout

spyro asked "this place looks fabulous" "i thought you would like this place." spyro said smiling and walked under mushroom which was like umbrella to this place. spyro laid down on dried moss and let cynder climb off. "spyro."

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spyro and cynder

spyro and cynder defeated the dark master then the world was breaking up into pieces and spyro used his fury to bring the world back together.


A new beginning: Rest and Recuperation

spyro!! bro! your back!! oh my god, it's so good to see you alive!" sparx's whole body seemed to glow and the dragonfly zoomed to spyro, hugging his horn. he let go and hovered in front of spyro's face, beaming like crazy.

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 20 -- Night Leaves...

spyro kept his breath going until he felt dizzy. the evil creature immediately pinned spyro under its huge paw, and whipped solar into the far wall as the white dragon rushed to spyro's aid.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 7: New day

spyro looked around to see where the other boars alerted as well but spyro got relieved to fact that they where not. spyro crept to boar, emped his teeth into boar's neck and trew it on his back and walked out of sight.

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Stars of Time - Cynder's Condition

"s-spyro?" jocasta said, sounding stunned. "spyro..." adamaius said, his voice somewhat distant. "spyro!" shiloh said, she sounded excited. "spyro." said a new voice, making everyone turn around to look at the owner of that voice.

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