The Joy of Anal Stretching - 6. Honeymoon
Your thoughts are shaken as you feel your body stretching to accommodate his real member.
GW2 Fan Fiction: An Engineering Stretch
.> gw2 fan fiction: an engineering stretch within the blazeridge steppes there was a great creature named, the shatterer.
Day 6 Alone
He drew the winch on and on, cycling it, watching those arms stretch at first then the rabbit's torso shared the elasticated slack. her whole frame slowly stretched out with it. "what are you?"
The Joy of Anal Stretching - 5. Milky Way
Chapter 5 - Ok, so it will be next monday?... Thank you. \*click\* As you set the telephone back on its base your little issue is solved. It must be just a little swelling, maybe due to an allergic reaction of some sort... \*Note to self: go easy...
The Joy of Anal Stretching - 3. Rubber Quartet
After it is fully stretched you pull yout tongue back into your mouth, letting it touch your body in the process. it leaves a transparent trail that shines to the candlelight of the small chandelier above you.
Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 10
Fromthe black region a tentacle sank out, stretched to an impossibly long lengthand snagged the beast, a good twenty feet long, like it was a dainty morsel.the struggling shark was pulled into the inky blackness and was gone. kymaexplained.
Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 9
She could feel his circumference growuntil her rectum was stretched to its maximum without ripping. then she felthim push in some of his power, replacing the pain with blatant bliss.
Taking back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 8
Things in the house never reallysettled down after the cubs got their lessons. From then on, they were tryingto engage him in the same manner as often as they could. Luna was practicalabout it. "It's like eating papa. After a while, you just get...
Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 6
The entire mass of the inhabitants of theeastfallon stretches prayed for her recovery. jon-tom had no heart inhim to tell them that the one they prayed to was part of the cause ofall this. there was no need to dash their spirits.
Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 5
"to the present and unlawful lord of theeastfallon stretches. if it pleases his majesty, a challenge to thethrone is hereby presented in the name of the rightful heir, orath,daughter of thy-uralis, to be met tomorrow at high noon.
Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 4
"Jon-Tom, why did youtask those old wolves into fighting for me?" He was comfortably inbed, looking up at the ceiling thirty feet overhead. "Yes Jon-Tom,why did you ask them? They can hardly help." This from Sfyri, whowas in the bed to his right....
Taking Back the Eastfallon Stretches, Part 3
Shecould feel him stretch and move under her. it was a terrific feeling.she could, nay, she had gotten used to him. "jon-tom, willyou be my alpha male?" she pulled her close. "i was hoping youwere going to ask.