Prayer and Demon 14 - Last Echo

It was safer to admit to where she was going and why than to sneak off and risk another encounter like she'd had with tuli.

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Prayer and Demon 12 - Returning to the MIssion

When tuli offered a bowl to oro, he just sneered at it, walking away to sit with some space between him and the others.

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Prayer and Demon 10 - Approach to the Treasury

"heh...yeah, i've about had it with these caves, myself," the former princess nodded, returning their hugs, "what about tuli and nayeli?" "they're coming, just slowly," kylan assured her, "tuli got...well..."

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Prayer and Demon 6 - Changing Camps

tuli looked a little disappointed as he turned and stomped back out of the tent, and started to get dressed again with a sigh.

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Wings of Passion

The bird's insides were slick and hot from his earlier seed, her juices and the natural heat tuli produce and the drake loved it.

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Leave the Window Open: Part 2

tulis stood on her own, "your lucky my cole was about your size, let me see what i've got" unable to help it, diego's tail wagged behind him, "thank you granny"

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Prayer and Demon 4 - Vows

tuli greeted them cheerfully as oro shoved through the flap of the tent, "we were getting worried."

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Prayer and Demon 11.2 - Pairings Cont. (Nayeli/Kylan, Oro/Nayeli)

"yeah, but like i said, i'm easy," tuli nodded, giving nayeli a congratulatory pat on the head. "sure, sure, why don't all of you compare counts?"

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The Uprising of the Kobolds

He had been sweeping with tuli, the kobold that had been eaten, and knew that there'd been no fault to their work.

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Ghost in the Stones 7 - The Huntress

While oro was bringing the curse to bay for tuli again, the other three adventurers began sorting out their things, eager for baths and beds.

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 13

"tuli!!!!!!!!" tail yells and shi runs and hugs the cat morph while red smiles at the antics. breaking off the hug tail extends hir arm towards red. "tuli, this is my friend redstreak, child of sunspot and fireblaze.

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