Revenge In Flames: Typhlosion's Bitch

"typh! phlosion typh!" he barked, pointing to his tongue, then his foot, twisting and turning his foot, covering my mouth with it as i sniffled one last time.

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Talks and teases

"typh," he sighed as he wiped his muzzle with his paw, "i'm angry, frustrated, and that's for sure. but... i'm not exactly not at fault." he used a leg to pull his seat over and sat down.

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"typh," jo calls again. this time he yanks the fork away, takes my paw and holds it in both his paws. "is something wrong? please tell me... i'll be here to listen."

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Claiming a Bounty (Vore Story)

"urf...just kinda...push him up in there, i guess." the typh advised as his buizel partner put those paws to use...though it also took a moment or two to rub that belly before doing this strange form of the heimlich maneuver to its partner!

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Jo replies with a shrug, "don't mind him, typh is just tired. whatever he just said... has no meaning at all."

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Mystic Remnants - Chapter Fourteen

The wolf tried to moan out the typh's name, but he trailed off into panting breaths again as that paw squeezed him once more. "just...relax..."

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"hey," "typh, is that you? are you with jo? where is he? is he okay?" his mom begins to spam quite a few questions. "ah yes, i'm typh. jo is beside me in his room. he is sleeping... and doesn't seem to want to wake up yet."

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So, what advice would you give to typh?

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"w-wow," jo panted, "you're full of surprises today, typh." i grabbed his waist and pulled him off the counter. jo hobbled forward in surprise and i clasped my paws on his firm butt cheeks, nibbling on his soft neck.

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The other route

typh, right?" his dad asks. "yeah?" i let my tongue slip, before quickly adding, "yes, mr. tygrif." "you should eat more, you're small. do you work out?" he remarks.

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