Ragnarok - III

When through the weighty gates they led me in i felt a shiver, like the vertigo on looking down upon a rising tide dark, hungry, cold, unstoppable, that mounts across green land and crushes it.

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Dreams: Epilogue and Prelude

The waters are powerless of their own; yet the flow of the waters are a unstoppable and eternal power. and so the stars will flow forth; again they take their prominence with renewed radiance. this is the unending flow of the heavens.

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The Volcano

; marvel, granite, slate, not living, yet ever proud, ever silent, yet deafeningly loud, you never move nor do you breathe, but you're unstoppable

Anubia & Raz Ch.4

Anubia smiled at raziel as she picked up a few of the oil bottles and unstoppered them, sniffing delicatelyat their contents in turn, then pouring a small amount of two of them into the bath waters.

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Christine Ch 4

#4 of cadi, volume 5: christine with all of her friends by her side, she felt truly unstoppable. and, for all intents and purposes, aside from the massive walls surrounding the district, she pretty much was unstoppable.

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the question. poem

To hit the never moving wall with an unstoppable force. to shatter the berries between everything. for nonsense to meet sense. to mix and create the foundation. the cement of life.

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power of ideas (poem)

Just take and take and leave me with nothing again i fight my return to suclusion, but i have no foundation to fight i have no proof my idea is correct faith is strong, but they took that too shattered it i cant go on, but i must an unstoppable

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Where are the cheat codes, that i may be born with unstoppable power? where are the glitches that allow me to exploit physics and make the world my own? powerless. defenseless. 'squishy'. unknown. why must i be here?

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Raging Titan

Titan like state of mind,_ _the ringing bullets that sound off turning me into stone at first,_ _then turning me into a raging forest of fire of unbelievable destruction,_ _before i twist into a nightmarish banshee of hellish power as i burst open into an unstoppable

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Water Time Fun

Then came the unstoppable urge to touch my privates, but not yet. first a little teasing, i took the shower head and cranked to the left too find my personal favorite setting. i found the setting with the 4 water streams in a square formation.

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She Needs Me.

Because i'm the one she thinks is unstoppable. i don't let myself appear anything the but able to take away all her fears.

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The Last Stand

Nothing could stop us, for we had harnessed the true potential of science and we were progressing forward, an unstoppable force only focused on making the future brighter. then... something snapped.

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