Poem #96: Not Much of a Dancer

This is how i feel i could describe that experience. hope you enjoy. when my days are troubled i always reach for my headphones and put them in my ears slowly, the rhythm passes through my veins flowing through every part of me.

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Song- This is who I am

This is what i feel, when i feel, how i feel, now i feel, and this is when i bleed, when i cry, how i weep... yet this is who i am, yes i am, who i am, i am, and this is who i am, yes i am, who i am, that i am...



how i feel, deep within . . . preachers, and prophets, push truth like drugs. my mind feels gross like slimy slugs. i'm confused, and used, so used, so, can't i sleep forever tonight? i'm too tired tonight, and i've fucked up again.

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Lost Love

This one hurts worse, but it's a different kind of pain i know it's for the best, but still, i feel like i have been slain you know how i feel, my prince, and that won't change i can't forget about you, i will keep you in range but i know it cannot be,

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My Curse

I would ask myself this every time her name crossed my mind marissa, i am still here waiting for you alone and broken, i wish i could tell you what you wanted to hear if i could have one more chance to tell you how i feel just one chance, that moment

Support me~

You don't need to be gay just to know how i feel, but just some support would help me.

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Random Poetry

I was just in the mood to write about how i feel but had no idea how i'd use my characters for it... so i resorted to poetry. i won't expect this to attract much people... but i felt like sharing this with you guys anyway.


Out for Snacks (Otherwise Untitled)

i feel, i believe i would blow a fuse in my facial display."

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Why we fake it

Just a poem expressing how i feel at the moment of uploading why we fake it (a poem) i wish my online life was real, where no one tries to force you to think and feel the they way do.

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Vince and Rocky: PART TWO

_ why don't i just have the guts to tell him how i feel...? i'm so weak, i swear. anyone else would have told him... i know if i go sleep, i'll dream of him and wake up sad and frustrated.

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Defenses Down

It's like slicing right to the bone, because that's how i feel. i feel like my defenses, my skin itself has been flayed from my body. (i know it's a bad picture.) but i really can't help it.


Vince and Rocky: Chapter 2

_ why don't i just have the guts to tell him how i feel...? i'm so weak, i swear. anyone else would have told him... i know if i go sleep, i'll dream of him and wake up sad and frustrated.

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