Sex at First Sight
On a Saturday morning with nothing to do, a particular need for a coffee barista-made from a big brand and perhaps a need to be in a less lonely environment brought a vixen and a German shepherd to the café. The sleepiness of both almost made them...
Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Intro
The shiba inu started incanting a spell, and before the tanuki knew it, a sigil appeared around her and started sucking her in, a portal straight to the nether realm where she once belonged.
Maternity Mall
"And then he doesn't even say it!" Pickra tossed his balled-up popcorn bag into one of the bins outside of the cineplex. "It was in the previews and everything!" The big cat was wearing a comfortable tank top and...
The Drop
Ensign Keryl cringed as the storm buffeted his drop pod, shaking it violently as the high winds shrieked and howled with a blood curdling crescendo. "T-minus eight seconds until impact. Unit rally point is town square, approximately 2.9 kilometers away...
The Dress
Did i get the tie straight enough? i could only remember one knot and i think it's lopsided." she squeezes and twists the knot trying to make it feel straight. "it's old and wrinkled, too."
The Submission of a Dragon
Emerging slowly from beyond the wall of sleep, Kirasta could not help but feel more certain than ever that his love of the autumn season was justified. The others had their merits, of course, but none could compare to the wonderful feeling of waking,...
Thanksgiving Day Dream
[So i'm really new at this, just a quick note I sent to a friend for an RP we are doing. Always looking for creative feedback, this was more just a "short", not a proper story, but if you do enjoy it, please let me know in the comments.] Alice...
A Bun Among Wolves 2/2
It stood straight up, swollen to full glory. "oh, now this was worth the wait," she whispered, reaching out to touch it. tor jerked as he felt her great hand clasp around the head of his cock.
A Day in the Life Part 2
A bright flash. The sound of thunder. By the heavens she missed Miami. Sure hurricane season was a problem, and it did rain every day, but that was nothing like the thunderstorms of the Midwest. Usually Colleen found the sound of the thunder and the...
Relaxing Vacation (P0rn)
* * * Chad carried Rachael through the door of their room as they laughed. He carried her across the room, and tossed her onto the bed. "Whoop!" She landed on her stomach, still laughing. Chad jumped in next to her. She turned onto her side and...
Zoey And Jack The Neera
Jack didn't like it one bit, instantly he ran out towards the lounge room but to be smacked straight into something furry.
Naughty Mint
They told me that the mint is not a personality changer--that it doesn't rewrite a pokemon's innate personality or their desires or memories or wants. It offers a 'new perspective'; that's what I was told. She was the one who wanted it. Primrose was...