Heart and Sorrow

once upon a time, i was everything my parents wanted me to be. but all of that changed the moment my little brother died. i still remember it very well even though i wish i didn't...


Poem #6-7

once upon a time, whilst i was sleeping deeply, my dream took a different path, turning on itself, where i usually see my guides, even as i felt a power filling me, washing away my pain like waves upon a beach.


The start of kairu's story *Part 2 *

Part 2 of the start of kairu's story so once upon a time there was a boy , called kairu. he was very lonley and he made an imaginery girlfriend. kairu named her suzie. she was amazing to him .

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Holy Moments of Dawns yet to Come

once upon a time there was a stupid old megawhore called shakira. she wanted to teach all the little children to be sluts and prostitutes, because she lost what little power she had and wanted to fill the void inside.

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Adia's Riddle

once upon a time, five residents of second life bought a row of five plots of land on the same sim, and lived together. a timid rabbit called adia made a burrow by their homes, and planted a tiny garden for food.

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Sprite Master. Prologue

#1 of sprite master once upon a time in a world much like our own though the difference would be that this world there werent any humans but anthro versions of the animals that made up the world.

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Sages, of Hidden Lights: Prologue

once upon a time, from the ashes of a bleary void of nothingness there began a new world. this world would come to be known as theria; a place to be filled with many magnificent sights, musical sounds and magical creatures.

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Nobody remembers the story and his name

.** once upon a time there was a curious skunk, shes name? its not important. as time pass, the more empty she started to feel.

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It came from the pond.

once upon a time there lived a young boy with his mother and father in a country home far away from any city or town.

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Tales of Atlas: introduction

Atlas was not always know as atlas, but rather was known as crow harbor once upon a time. y'see there was once a mighty empire known as the voxelian collective, a once grand and mighty allaince of small monarchies and empires.

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A tale of Jeff

once upon a time there was a wolf/fox crossbreed named jeff. he was a respectable fur who wore smart suits and worked at a respectable computer company. he had carefully groomed orangey-red fur and carefully trimmed claws.


Medivial Love Pt 1

once upon a time, there was a lion, and a cheetah... the lion was a of royal blood and got everything he wanted; his name was xander darkwood.

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