The Guardian

Koi's own dragonhood throbbed and pulsed against the silver dragon's chest.

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Suddenly Freelance

The fact that silver dragon is being targeted is a no-brainer but the reasons why incense aurora.

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Sins of the Past (10/12)

The silver dragon stated, ryonir nodding slightly. "well, can't say that i didn't warn you then. give him hell ryonir, we'll be waiting for you when you return."

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2- Shimmering Shores

A hornless silver dragon with a green underbelly stepped out of the strange phenomenon, his wings folded against him. a look of displeasure plastered across his maw. "kraa!" the silver dragon yelled angrily.

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Bonds of the Companion

As his shaft impaled the silver dragon his own head, which was soaked by this point, began to grow bigger by the second.

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Thiefs Retribution

He watched as a pair of great silver claws sheared away the section he was standing under, and the roof was literally flung off by what was obviously an extremely angry silver dragon.

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Dragon's Soul

He did not have to be scared if the silver dragon decided to try something. nombara was equally disgusted by the prospect. he would not be humiliated again!

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Venturing: Liar Liar

'silver dragons' exactly what our witness had told us about." "furthermore..." natty replied after a short pause, "the silver dragons were the only record in 2009. yet i was surprised, that neither teacher that worked here recognized the dragons at all."

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12- The Thunder Rolls

The black drake whimpered, reading the pain growing in the silver dragon's eyes. a nod from kara told him to do it. he slowly stepped forward and the two disappeared through a portal.

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The Chain

The silver dragon was thrown back again to the chamber and the orb. he could see himself and his brother rolling it across the floor to each other and giggling and smiling.

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Part 8: Kaos and a Darker Power

I blinked and saw two large, silver dragon legs right in front of me. looking up, i saw the same silver dragon that i had fought in my dreams. he was glaring at me and i slowly got to my feet and faced him.

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