Slice of Life: The Nudist

User=200527&character=0&clevel=2) jon sanders]( "jon sanders") for being such an awesome and interesting guy to talk to and marks the hopeful start of my slice of life series, featuring owen and whatever randomness he gets up

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Slice of Life: Brunch

After the insanity that was Monday, what with a naked otter coming and the ensuing chaos that followed - questions, comments and Jon blowing up my phone with random pictures of his ass, a little drama not tied to me was what the doctor ordered. It...

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Tira Bright and Friends: School Life

Birthday Growth Spurt Surprise Part 1 Somewhere inside the kitchen area, Tira, and her adopted sister Pen-Bum Bright were both sitting down at the kitchen table, having some homemade stir fry fish, and big bowl of rice. While both of them...

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Under The Cherry Blossoms Chapter Eight Part One

Author's Note: If your squeamish don't read this chapter. At least until I tell you to do so. It contains candid mentions of eating insects. Specifically Meal Worms and Giant Ants. ...

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End of Summers - Roommates - 2022

They stood on a coast of pebbles, holding paws, a tiger and a mouse half his height. Zachary, the former, shook his head suddenly conscious. The waters were still with a gentle cold air, and there was a distant fog...

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NOC ch6: Going Home

Sobering up always made BJ want a nap. It didn't matter if he'd just had a few beers and a bowl at lunch or a whole case and smoked out the night, whenever the buzz faded, this pit bull was ready to go to bed. That was half the reason he wanted to just...

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Pages From a Dog's Diary

**Pages From a Dog's Diary #1** I have often wondered, what was behind the green gate. It looked as if it was never opened; old and dusty, on rusty hinges and with thick layers of green paint flaking off. But today, someone had left that gate...

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A simple story III : Part I

Fred's way Opening the car's police door, Ken rubbed nervously his new wedding ring at his finger to get lucky. While he was scooting to the house, the sights coming from the nearby houses, making sure not to fall on a trap. He noticed how much his...

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The tank bubbled. Pops of air rising up as the filter cycled, cleaning and sanitizing it. The sound made Luna's ears flick, the short, small boy watching the goldfish as they circled their little tank, the low humming of the filter like...

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Marcus pulled his oversized Range Rover (his sweet sixteenth birthday present, and he was adamant about it because he "needed the head room") up the driveway and into the four car garage. For once, getting home from school early wasn't much cause for...

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NOC Ch4: Down time

Brian Thomas Jr absolutely loved Wednesdays. It wasn't that he disliked his jobs. If anything he felt pretty damn blessed to be able to earn a living doing the kind of work that he actually had a passion for. That all by itself put him well ahead of...

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Happy Mothers Day ^_^

Happy Mother's Day ^\_^ Whether only a few years old than your kids, or already with a walker, old & grey I hope you have, the most magical day =D

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