AUTHORS NOTES: This is my first ever attempt at making stories with characters while their paths are sperate are still connected to one another. I will be working on"THE CHRONICALS OF ASHLEY KETCHUM" soon make sure you pay attention in my...

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Close Combat Part One: Meeting

A/N Hey. This story is the first page of six, right SIX, pages in an RP between me and Bunny Rule on another site. I was just getting into charecter with THIS Solaris when I rped this. * * * Mimi's paw and back were better by now and she was...

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The Spy That Was

**Chapter 3** **The Spy That Was** (Everyone managed to get to the third floor of the building when the tidal waves came and soaked the base. The first and second floor were flooded in and with the electrical outputs, getting out won't be easy...

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With tooth and paw chapter 8

Chapter 8: Rendezvous On the agenda for the day, though later than Vedrit had intended, was a meeting with Wern and Mirrna. Plans needed to move forward. Pulling his hood over his head, casting his furry face in shadow, he snuck through the...

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Snapshots - Special Delivery

_Author's Note: Hey, look! I'm not dead! :D Thought it might be a good idea to turn out something to prove it, so here's the fifth of my 'Snapshots' series. Each of these shorts will consist of exactly 1000 words. If a picture is worth 1000 words, how...

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Chapter 8 - There's Missions. Then There's Missions...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Echo-three Command, Echo-three Command. This is Charlie-one-three-zero-Echo. E-T-A to drop zone; fifteen minutes, over..." It...

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Chapter 1 - How it all Began

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hopping - happily down the street of red-bricked, detached houses, a kangaroo was on his way to his friends. It was his 12th...

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Child's Play

At my age now, I went through some pretty cool training with my father. He taught me the basics of things: Speed, Combat, anything that'll help me in the future. He even showed me how to use weapons. I was a natural with a dagger. I wanted a sword...

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Dust, Blood, and Fur Part 2

She remembers an explosion. The shock woke her up and caused her to jump from the bed. The source was obvious: Red Water has come for them. The town didn't wish any part of the war. The military left the small town alone, and the rebels saw no...

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Lives of the Undead

**Lives of the Undead** Their soulless eyes, their rotten skin The stench of death that reeks within. These creatures aren't alive or dead, But something far more worse instead. They're spawns of all our wrongs and sin. No longer who they...

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Part 2 - The Best Offense is Defense or vice versa

"welcome students, faculty, and parents. allow me to welcome you to our fine school. my name is mr. john walsh, principal walsh. as you begin your journey through juniper high, we encourage as much learning..... "i hate these introductory...

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Wasteland Saviour - Flight - ch1

I got to her house faster than I thought, my legs were warmed by the run, but the speed I had moved should have left them burning. Maybe this wasn't quite so bad after all. I checked the front door, it was locked but after quickly checking a...

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